A procession made up of a military force of thirty thousand men and representatives of all the tribes, led by Da'vid himself, marched off to attend the removal of the Ark to Je-ru'sa-lem. Da'vid had a new cart made to carry the Ark; this was against the LORD'S command, but was probably done in a thoughtless, impulsive moment. The entire procedure was moved by love to the LORD, a sincere desire to restore the appointed worship of GOD, and reverence for the symbol of GOD'S presence among HIS people, but we shall find that the performance of a worthy deed in a manner contrary to the expressed will of GOD resulted in a great calamity.
Upon reaching the home of A-bin'a-dab, Da'vid had the Ark placed on the new cart, and the procession started on the journey back to Je-ru'sa-lem with the priests in charge of the Ark leading the way. As the procession moved along the highway there was great rejoicing, with music from various instruments, joyful singing, and religious dancing. The entire company was filled with unrestrained happiness. Suddenly the joy of the festival was turnt into great sorrow and superstitious fear.
The LORD was not pleased with the substitution of cattle for the priestly hands which should have carried the Ark; there were no sacrificial offerings, and the worship which did take place was more selfish than spiritual. The breaking of one law led to another violation which was more serious; as the cart passed over the rough road the Ark was so tossed about that it seemed likely to fall, and one of the company tried to steady it. This man, whose name was Uz'zah, suddenly dropped dead, and panic spread through the entire procession.
Da'vid was greatly alarmed by the death of Uz'zah, and dreaded the further displeasure of GOD if the march was continued. He may have remembered that the ARK was to be carried only by appointed Le'vites, that no unconsecrated hands were to touch it, and that all acts in service of the LORD must be performed according to HIS own directions.
As a result of this tragic judgment upon the sin of Da'vid and his servant, the Ark was placed in the home of a priestly family by the name of O-bed-e'dom, where it was left for three months. Then Da'vid assembled another company, but this time he had the Ark carried by the priests who were specially appointed for this duty. The procession played upon musical instruments, sang hymns of joy, and danced as they had done at the beginning of the previous march. Da'vid himself laid aside his royal robes and took an active part in the celebration. The Ark was joyfully carried into the city of Je-ru'sa-lem and placed in a tent which Da'vid had made ready as a place of worship. Sacrifices were offered to the LORD at certain intervals on the march to Je-ru'sa-lem, and prolonged ceremonies were observed after the Ark had been placed in its new stronghold.
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