773. The pilgrimage made to the place of sanctuary was a very important part of Hebrew life. "Three times a year all your men are to appear before the Sovereign Lord, the God of Israel" (Exod. 34:23). The whole family could go, but the men and boys were required to go. Remember Joseph and Mary traveled a day's journey on their return from Jerusalem before discovering that Jesus was missing. Because clans traveled together, parents could go for hours without seeing their sons.
774. Jewish boys had to be able to recite "the Shema," a prayer, by the age of twelve. The prayer was the qoutation of three passages from the Pentateuch that was repeated morning and evening by Jewish men. The three passages were from Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:13-21; and Numbers 15:37-41.
775. The idea of minyan is central to the spiritual life of Jewish people. While anyone can pray at any time, before an official prayer service can be held there must be at least ten men present. This group of men is called a minyan. It was stated in the law that whenever ten adult men were gathered together in the name of God, the Lord Himself would actually be present in the room with them. Any room then became consecrated ground, a Holy place where men could perform their religious rituals and worship God.
776. The early gathering place for Christian worship was in people's homes. The earliest excavation of a church by archaeologists, where a date has been assigned (dating back to the third century A.D.), is of a room within a house that was set apart for worship and furnished as a chapel. In the days of the apostles, believers also took seriously their responsibility to care for believers who came to their town. In a time of persecution, this refuge was very important to those who traveled to spread the Gospel.