The Lord appeared to Ab'ram in Ha'ran and directed him once again to take his family and all his possessions and resume the journey to the distant land of promise. God then blessed Ab'ram, assuring him that his family would become a great people; the entire land would be given to his descendants, from whom there was to spring a great nation. Though the blessing was given to Ab'ram, all the families of the earth were to be blessed through his future generations.
Ab'ram did not grasp the full meaning of these promises, nor did he know the course which was to bring him at last to the promised land, but he promptly obeyed the voice of God. Accompanied by his nephew Lot and all the servants gathered in Ha'ran, Ab'ram started at once on the long journey. Over the plains, and hills, and mountains they journeyed with all their possessions, not knowing where the journey would lead, but safely guided by Divine Providence.
Ab'ram's journey began at his native city of Ur, going up the river Eu-phra'tes more than five hundred miles to the mountainous region of Mes-o-po-ta'mia, and then turning southwest from Ha'ran, with lofty ranges of mountains on the west, and the great desert to the east. The travelers crossed many rivers and hills, passing through narrow valleys for another five hundred miles until they entered the narrow strip of country between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. This country was then known as Ca'naan, now called Pal'es-tine, and is appropriately named the Holy Land because of its historic identity with true religion and the birth of the Sav'ior.
Upon reaching the land of Ca'naan, Ab'ram passed well into the center of the territory, setting up his tent under an oak tree on a plain not far from the city of She'chem. Here the Lord appeared to him and renewed the promise to give this land to him and his descendants. Ab'ram built an altar, offered sacrifices unto the Lord, and worshiped Him. He then moved to a mountain east of Bethel, to the south of She'chem, and once again built an altar and worshiped God. He loved the Lord, believed His promises, and faithfully served Him wherever he stopped, even when surrounded by heathens.