One of the things which greatly accelerated the increase of wickedness during this period was the abuse of the marriage ordinance. As noted in a previous chapter, the descendants of Cain were grossly materialistic, immoral, and wicked. On the other hand, Seth and his descendants represented the lineage of righteousness. Though few in this line were sufficiently notable to be included in the Biblical record, they preserved the knowledge of God in the world. By Divine grace they were enabled to live pure and upright lives notwithstanding the natural depravity of the human heart and the engrossing wickedness of their companions. There was in their hearts an abiding consciousness of God's presence, a sense of intimate fellowship with the Infinite, the appropriation of spiritual provisions more real than the closest human relationship. They were the living witnesses of God in the world's darkest period.
Certain members of the Sethite line ignored the moral and religious barriers between the families, and took wives from among the Cainites. This fact is stated in the passage: "The sons of God saw the daughters of man that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." To interpret this passage as referring to the marriage of angels with mortal women violates the truth revealed through Divine inspiration. The meaning is simply that the moral requirements in the marriage relationship were discarded. The separation Divinely ordered between the Sethites and the Cainites was set aside, thereby permitting the sons of the Sethites to marry the daughters of the Cainites. This situation led to an indescribable state of spiritual decline and wickedness, involving both lines of the human family in the curse of the approaching deluge. Of all the descendants of Seth then living on the earth only No'ah and his family were saved.