Saturday, February 6, 2016

Story 5: E'noch Goes To Heaven Without Dying (My Favorite)

   In the midst of the almost universal wickedness that existed before the deluge when men were evil without any admixture of goodness whatsoever, there lived a man who was distinguished for his pious and continuous walk with God over a period of three hundred years. He pleased God, and God communed with Him from day to day. At the end of his earthly journey he had the further distinction of passing immediately into Heavens above, without undergoing death. His body was translated, and both body and soul were carried into the presence of God.
   The name of this man was E'noch, not the E'noch who was a son of Cain, but a man of the family of Seth. He was of the eighth generation from Ad'am and was the great-grandfather of No'ah. In spite of the inherent depravity of sin, notwithstanding the wickedness of his companions and the violent evils of the age, E'noch walked with God. His character was above reproach, his conduct was blameless, and his soul was pure. He was a bright and shining star in the midst of the darkest night in world history, and a sun of righteousness during the storm of violent wickedness.
   After walking with God here on earth, E'noch was called one day to continue his walk with God in Heaven. As a supernatural manifestation of the immortality of man to a generation which had completely forgotten God, and which had no faith in the future life, the glorious and instantaneous transition of this good man was a compelling message. He left behind him the testimony that he pleased God, and that by faith he was translated.
   E'noch had a son whose name was Me-thu'se-lah, and who is famed for attaining the greatest age of all time. He lived to be nine hundred and sixty-nine years of age, and though the usual lifetime of men of that period ranged from six to nine hundred years, we do not have the record of any other man who reached so great an age. It is a sad commentary on the man who lived longest of all that nothing else worthy of note is said about him, except that he was the father of La'mech. In the course of years La'mech became the father of No'ah, the hero of faith in preserving the human family from complete destruction in the flood, and through whom the Messianic line from Seth was saved.