1. Who was Simon Peter's brother?
A. James
B. Andrew
C. John
D. Simple Simon
2. For the miracle at the wedding in Cana, how many stone jars did Jesus tell the servants to fill with water?
A. five
B. six
C. seven
D. seven times seventy-seven
3. Sick people waited at the Pool of Bethesda for the angel to:
A. cure them
B. dry up the water
C. Touch the water
D. perform show tunes
4. When Jesus told the weeping people that Jairus' daughter was not dead, they:
A. laughed at him
B. continued crying
C. went home
D. did back flips
5. How many times did Jesus say we should forgive others?
A. seven
B. never, if they are unrepentant
C. always
D. only if they are sorry
6. Jesus said that when we pray we must:
A. ask twice
B. ask for things only once
C. never give up
D. pretend to be using a phone
7. Lazarus died in what town?
A. Jerusalem
B. Nazareth
C. Bethany
D. Funky town
8. After His resurrection, how many disciples did Jesus talk to on the road to Emmaus?
A. Two
B. Five
C. Twelve
D. All of them
9. Whom did the apostles choose to replace Judas?
A. Jude
B. Joseph
C. Mathias
D. Alf
10. When the blind man told the leaders that Jesus had cured him, they:
A. believed him
B. said Jesus was not from God
C. wanted to know more
D. blinded him