As the morning light broke upon the fleeing hordes of Bed'ou-ins, the princes of Mid'ian tried to lead the retreat along the valley eastward to Beth'shan, and then down the Jor'dan valley toward Jer'i-cho, where they might cross the river. In the meantime, however, the nine thousand seven hundred men of Gid'e-on who had not been privileged to take part in the midnight attack massed along the route of escape and slew thousands. Gid'e-on sent messengers to the E'phra-im-ites, ordering them to gather at the ford of the Jor'dan in order to slay all who might try to cross the river. The three hundred selected, courageous, and loyal men had created and brought a mad dispersion to an army of one hundred and thirty-five thousand Mid'ian-ites; but to conserve the results and to make the victory complete all Is'ra-el must now co-operate. In the final outcome every one had part in crushing these enemies.
Two Mid'ian-ite princes sought refuge, one in the cavern of a rock, and the other in the vat of a wine-press, but both were captured and slain. Two other princes managed to cross the river, but were later pursued and slain by Gid'e-on.
Thus the plunderings and oppressions by the Mid'ian-ites were brought to an end, and for the next forty years there was a period of peace in the land of Is'ra-el. Gid'e-on ruled the land wisely, overthrew idolatry, promoted the worship of the True God, and led the people in ways of righteousness and justice.