Friday, August 5, 2016

Story 44: God Speaks From A Fiery Mountain; THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IV

They may be easily remembered by the use of a key-word for each, as follows:
   Duties to God, respecting: 1. God's Being. 2. God's Worship. 3. God's Name. 4. God's Day.
   Duties to others, respecting: 5. Parents. 6. Human Life. 7. Moral Purity. 8. Property Rights. 9. Truthfulness. 10. Covetousness.
   They all comprehended in the Two Great Commandments: Love God with all your Heart; Love thy neighbor as thyself.
   The people listened carefully to the announcement of these Commandments, kept a reverent and prayerful attitude, and greatly appreciated the direct message from God, but were all nearly overcome with fright and terror. For this reason they said to Mo'ses, "Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die." They asked that he talk with God for them, and that whatever God had to say to them should be said through Mo'ses.
   Inspired by the LORD, Mo'ses then told the Is'ra-el-ites that they were to fear God with the awe of true religion, but that they should not be frightened by His presence in any miraculous appearance, nor by His voice when the Commandments were given.
   Special attention was called to the LORD'S command against worshipping idols, and the Is'ra-el-ites were warned again not to make unto themselves gods of silver and of gold. Directions were also given for the offering of burnt sacrifices, and for other forms of worship.