A Geep is a cross between a goat and a sheep.
The only purple animal is the South African Blesbok.
The world's smallest mammal is the bumblebee bat of Thailand, weighing less than a penny.
There have been more than fifteen hundred documented sightings of Bigfoot since 1958.
Thr largest known egg ever laid by a creature was that of the extinct Aepyornis of Madagascar. The egg was nine and a half inches long.
The pichiciego is a little-known burrowing South American animal that is related to the armadillo but is smaller in size. The ending of the animal's name is derived from the Spanish word ciego, meaning "blind."
Unrelated to the chicken, the male cock-of-the-rock bird earned the name "cock" because of its roosterlike appearance and combative behavior . The female of the species influenced the word rock being added to the name because of her habit of nesting and rearing the young in sheltered rock niches.
The world camel population is approximately twenty million.
The longest recorded life span of a camel was thirty-five years, five months.
A camel's backbone is just as straight as a horse's.
Camel's milk does not curdle.
Camels have three eyelids to protect their eyes from blowing sand.
Traveling at a rate of two to three miles per hour, camels can carry five hundred to one thousand pounds on their backs. They are able to keep up this pace for six or seven hours a day. Camels will refuse to carry loads that are not properly balanced.
There are fewer than one thousand Bactrian camels left in the wild. They have survived in a land with no water in an area used for nuclear testing. Their numbers, however, are falling dramatically as humans encroach farther and farther into China's Gobi Desert.
The fur of the vicuna, a small member of the camel family that lives in the Andes Mountains of Peru, is so fine that each hair is less than two-thousandths of an inch thick. The animal was considered sacred by the Incas, and only royalty could wear its fleece.