The final triumphant removal of the Ark to Je-ru'sa-lem was not, however, without an unhappy incident. Da'vid's wife Mi'chal, who should have led the women in their part in the celebration, looked out from a window of the palace with unfriendly eyes. To her, the joy of Da'vid was like the excitement of a madman, and his demonstrations of deep feeling were foolish and degrading. She reproved him sharply for taking off his royal robes and wearing the white garments of those who were celebrating, and his dancing in the streets of the capital. Da'vid answered these reproaches by the statement that he was dancing to the LORD, and that he would continue to return thanks for the distinction and blessings given through GOD'S favor.
The inaugural service held in the tent prepared for the Ark was one of the grandest of its kind in the history of Is'ra-el. Burnt offerings were made for the sins of the people, peace offerings were given in thanks for GOD'S favors, and the Le-vit'i-cal service of song was introduced. Da'vid pronounced a special benediction upon the people, and generous amounts of bread, meat, and wine were given to them. A song of thanksgiving composed by Da'vid especially for this occasion was sung by all the people.
This Psalm represented a form of service to be rendered in the restoration of tabernacle worship, celebrated the redemption which had been unfolded in the history of Is'ra-el, called for wholehearted praises to the LORD, and presented the love of GOD as the foundation for all true worship. This code of worship was embodied, with slight variations, in several of the Psalms which were later composed for use in the worship of GOD. The LORD'S majesty and power over all the nations of the earth was gloriously set forth, and the ultimate conquest of the world by the SAV'IOR was beautifully foretold.
"The truth that Da'vid learned to sing,
Its deep fulfillment here attains,
'Tell all the earth the LORD is king!
Lo, from the cross a King HE reigns!"