One of the king's servants knew of Da'vid's talent as a musician, of his handsome appearance, gentle disposition, and courageous spirit. He therefore suggested that the young man be engaged as musician to the king, and Saul sent a messenger to Jes'se with the request that Da'vid be sent to him at once.
By a strange providence the young man who had been chosen of GOD to be Saul's successor was brought to the court at the king's own request. As he modestly stood before the king with his harp in hand and began to play, the magic touch of his fingers on the strings produced an effect which immediately soothed the troubled spirit of Saul. As the sweet sounds of music fell upon Saul's ears, and the unspoken prayers of Dav'id's heart reached the ears of GOD, the king's heart went out to this young nobleman with great affection. Thus was the plan of GOD and the liberty of man combined for the preparation of Da'vid to become Is'ra-el's greatest king: For Da'vid in his devotion to his harp had no thought of thereby rising to royal favor; and the servant who suggested his name knew not that he had been chosen as Saul's successor.
Da'vid was engaged as court musician and personal armor-bearer for the king, and they became friends fast. We do not know just how long the friendship lasted, but shall find that within a few years Saul became intensely jealous of Da'vid's growing popularity and turnt against him with murderous hatred.
Da'vid continued to live at his father's home in Beth'le-hem, and much of his time was spent in caring for his father's sheep. Under the anointing power of GOD'S Spirit he continued to grow in strength and bravery. In protecting the sheep from ravenous beasts of that land he relied upon the ancient weapon known as a sling. By constant practice he soon became expert with the sling, and was able to hurl the small stones exactly where he wished them to go. His strength was also developed until he was able to perform some of the mighty deeds of Sam'son, such as killing bears and lions with his own hands. GOD was preparing him for a miraculous victory over the Phi-lis'tines, and we shall soon learn about it.