939. The organ is another wind instrument from Bible times, though it may have been a generic term for all wind instruments (Gen. 4:21 KJV).
940. Trumpets referred to a variety of different wind instruments-everything from a ram's horn to Moses' trumpet may correctly be classified within this instrument family. Another name used was "cornet."
941. The flute is only mentioned once in the King James Version of the Bible, in Daniel 3:5, but is mentioned more in other, newer translations, such as NIV (three times). It may very well have referred to a reed flute or some other instrument that closely resembles a modern flute.
942. The harp is perhaps the most-mentioned instrument in the Bible. It is believed that the instrument actually refers to the lyre, a similar stringed instrument of smaller proportions. The lyre was made of wood and had between eight and ten strings to pluck. The fingers or some sort of pick may have been used. The instrument may be of Syrian origin.
943. Harps and Heaven? Many people associate Heaven with harps. Many people don't realize that this connection actually comes from the Bible. The apostle John describes this in his vision, seeing the Heavenly throne in the Book of Revelation.