Ventriloquism n. --- A: repetition of words. B: method of recording. C: "throwing" one's voice. D:
speech impairment.
Loquacious adj. --- A: evasive. B: multilingual. C: unctuous. D: talkative.
Monologue n. --- A: long speech. B: scholarly work. C: editorial. D: hum.
Terminology n. --- A: nomenclature. B: extremity. C: mannerism. D: grammar.
Elocution n. --- A: deprecation. B: oratory. C: appeal. C: legalese.
Interlocutor n. --- go-between. B: researcher. C: dialogist. D: translator.
Tautology (taw TAHL uh jee) n. A: consistency in reasoning. B: careful instruction. C: nervousness.
D: unnecessary repetition.
Eulogy (YOO luh jee) n. --- A: formal praise. B: commencement address. C: promise. D: sorrowful
Apologist n. --- someone who A: broods in the past. B: makes no excuses. C: is fearful. D: defends
an idea.
Prologue n. --- A: introduction. B: explication. C. game plan. D. precis.