The Am'or-ites were descendants of E'mer, the fourth son of Ca'naan, and were both strong and numerous in the land. Two strong kings ruled over large areas east of the river Jor'dan, and five over territory west of the Jor'dan. Og, who was another king east of the Jor'dan, was later conquered by the Is'ra-el-ites under Mo'ses, and the territory of Si'hon and Og was given to the tribes of Reu'ben, Ma-nas'seh, and Gad. The five kings west of the Jor'dan were later conquered by Josh'u-a.
After conquering all the territory under the rule of Si'hon, the Is'ra-el-ites carried the war against the Am'or-ites into the northern district of Ba'shan, which was ruled by Og. He and his people were very powerful, and Og himself was so large that he had a bedstead of iron twelve feet long and six feet wide. The giant king and his warriors made the mistake of leaving their fortified cities, and making war against Is'ra-el on the plains. Is'ra-el won a great victory over Og, taking possession of all his territory.
Is'ra-el's warfare against the Am'or-ites east of the Jor'dan was one of extermination. God had commanded them to wipe out these heathen people because of their idolatry and wickedness. And so the lands of the Am'or-ites became the property of God's chosen people, and Is'ra-el was enriched by herds and flocks, and the spoils of many cities.
A triumphant war-song celebrating the victory over these powerful peoples, and giving all honor for it to God, was sung by all Is'ra-el. The people then moved to the plains of Mo'ab, which ran along the eastern border of the Dead Sea and of the river Jor'dan. The city of Jer'i-cho was on the west side of the river, near its mouth, and just opposite the place where Is'ra-el was encamped. Many preparations, however, had to be made before Is'ra-el could cross the river and take possession of the land then known as Ca'naan. The more important of these preparations will be reviewed in our next chapter.