The twenty years which followed these events are passed over in silence. It appears that the Phi-lis'tines continued to dominate Is'ra-el, and that the sanctuary at Shi'loh fell into ruins. Never again, however, do we hear of any attempts among the heathen nations to unite the He'brew religion with idolatry.
Sam'u-el vanished from sight during this period of twenty years, but we may be sure that the following statement concerning his life was true: "And the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground; and he was established among the people from Dan to Be'er-she'ba to be the prophet of the LORD." He no doubt spent these years in causing a great spiritual revival throughout the land, for we read toward the close of the period, "And all the house of Is'ra-el lamented toward the LORD."
It was the holy influence of Sam'u-el's character and the unassuming services rendered during that twenty years that led to permanent reforms in Is'ra-el, and finally broke the Phi-lis'tine oppression. Occupying a position of preeminence in the history of the He'brews for purity of life and for devotion to the welfare of his people, and standing above all others as an intercessor before God, he was a perpetual power for good.