Meanwhile Da'vid performed an act of kindness for his father and mother which clearly proves the nobility of his character. He secretly crossed the river Jor'dan just north of its entrance to the Dead Sea, went up into a mountain fastness in the land of Mo'ab to the southeast, and arranged for his parents to have a home where they would be secure from the anger of Saul during these troubled times. He may have appealed to the Mo'ab-ites for this favor in the name of his great-grandmother Ruth, who had been a member of their nation, and it is possible that his parents were lodged in the home of some of the descendants of Ruth's family.
About this time the Phi-lis'tines were making new invasions into the territory of Ju'dah, and the LORD planned to have Da'vid put an end to these raids. He, therefore, sent Da'vid a prophet named Gad to tell him to go at once into Ju'dah, for Saul was too greatly disturbed in mind to be of service in checking these attacks from the ancient foes of Is'ra-el.
The town of Kei'lah in Ju'dah, not too far from He'bron, had been captured by the Phi-lis'tines, who had robbed the people of their grains and fruits. Da'vid inquired of the LORD, saying, "Shall I go and smite these Phi-lis'tines?" God answered his prayer by telling him to go and save the town. Da'vid's men hesitsted to make this effort, for they were in danger of attack from both the Phi-lis'tines and the armies of Saul. When Da'vid inquired again of the LORD, and was given the same command, his men rallied to his leadership and won a great victory over the Phi-lis'tines. Large quantities of war-spoils were taken, and Kei'lah and its inhabitants were saved.
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