Saturday, March 11, 2017

Story 83: Jon'a-than's Arrow Warns Da'vid Of Saul's Anger l

   While Da'vid was at Na'ioth, Saul made two unsuccessful attempts to have him captured. He sent messengers to arrest him and bring him back to the king's court, But on each occasion the messengers were so carried away by the religious zeal of the prophets that they took part in the worship, and finally returnt without Da'vid. Saul then decided to go after Da'vid himself, but as he came near Sam'u-el's house he was suddenly filled with a strange religious excitement; all day and all night he was in the power of the Spirit of GOD, calling upon His name as if He were a prophet. While the king was in this exalted state Da'vid went to his friend Jon'a-than for advice. Saul's anger seems to have been subdued by his strange experience at Na'ioth, for he went quietly home after yielding to Sam'u-el's urgings that he give up his unjustified hatred for Da'vid.
   It appears that by this time there was an understanding between Jon'a-than and Da'vid that no member of Saul's family should be permitted to succeed him as king, and that Da'vid was destined to become the ruler of Is'ra-el. In the heart of Jon'a-than, however, there was no resentment to the Will of GOD nor ill-feeling toward Da'vid.
   In the meeting between Jon'a-than and Da'vid at this time their covenant of perpetual friendship was renewed, and Da'vid promised that in the event of Jon'a-than's death he would always show kindness to the family and descendants of his friend.
   On the day after this meeting there began at the king's house a festival in honor of the new moon. This festival lasted for two days, and it was customary for all members of the king's family to attend. Da'vid and Jon'a-than knew that it would be dangerous for the young captain to appear at Saul's table for the festival, but they also felt that his absence might be taken as an insult to Saul. It was important that Da'vid find out Saul's intentions toward him before renewing his visits to his home.
   The plan adopted by the two bosom friends at this time was most unusual. Since there was a religious festival going on at Beth'le-hem at the same time, it was decided that Da'vid should stay away from the gathering at Saul's house, and that Jon'a-than should explain the absence by saying that he wished to be with his family during the services at Beth'le-hem. It was felt by both of these young men that the manner on which Saul accepted the absence of Da'vid from the feast in his home would indicate his future intentions.

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