Saturday, December 10, 2016

Story 67: The Triumph Of Deb'o-rah The Prophetess And Ba'rak The Warrior ll

   Ten thousand men, most of whom were from the tribes of Naph'ta-li and Zeb'u-lun, were called to arms by Ba'rak. Many of these soldiers came from the ranks of Ja'bin's slave-workers in the war chariot factories at Ha'zor and in the timber regions of that territory. Armed with axes, hatchets, iron-working tools, and such other weapons as they could gather, the ten thousand men gathered on Mount Ta'bor. From this elevation they could look down upon the great host of Sis'e-ra encamped on the plains of Es-dra-e'lon. With Ba'rak at the head of the Is'ra-el-ite army, and with Deb'o-rah as the guiding spirit of the war, these men prepared to rush down upon the huge army of Sis'e-ra.
   Determined to crush the hopes of Is'ra-el for independence, and to press his conquest deeper into their land, Sis'e-ra had gathered a vast army from northwestern Ca'naan. His forces were vastly superior in numbers and equipment to the army of Is'ra-el, but there was one very important factor which Sis'e-ra neglected. "The captain of the LORD'S host" was at the head of Is'ra-el's selected army; the LORD God was fighting for His chosen people.
   When all was in readiness for the battle to begin, Deb'o-rah was led by the Holy Spirit to tell Ba'rak when the moment had arrived for decisive action against the enemy. Speaking in the name of the LORD, she declared that the God who had performed so many miracles for Is'ra-el in the past would now lead them to victory. With fiery enthusiasm, with courage and faith flashing from her eyes, Deb'o-rah stood before the army of Is'ra-el like an angel sent by the LORD.

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