Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Story 65: Josh'u-a's Closing Years; His Farewell Messages To Is'ra-el ll

   Looking to the future of Is'ra-el, he urged these leaders to be very courageous in doing all that God had commanded them, and assured them that the same God who had enabled them to conquer so much of the land would give them strength to drive out the heathens yet remaining within their borders. He earnestly warned them against joining in the idol-worship practiced by the heathens in their midst and in the neighboring countries. Just as their victories of the past had been won by holding fast to God, so their future triumphs would depend upon their obedience to Him and to His Commandments.
   Josh'u-a spoke very plainly in his warnings against any social or domestic alliances with the heathen families not yet driven out of Ca'naan. The Is'ra-el-ites must avoid the "snares and traps" of associating with such people, for, once they were ensnared by them, "scourges" would pierce their sides, and "thorns" would pluck out their eyes.
   Setting forth the love of God for them, he warned the people that love sinned against may be turnt into fierce anger. Mercy rejected has its counterpart in cold, stern justice. Transgression of the Holy Laws of God demands righteous indignation against the transgressor. Josh'u-a solemnly warned Is'ra-el that those who disobeyed God's Law would perish quickly.
   After delivering this message to the leaders of Is'ra-el, Josh'u-a lived quietly in his home for a few months before death finally came to him. He lived long enough to deliver a second and final message to all Is'ra-el. In his first message he had spoken in a personal and private manner, but in the second he spoke under direct inspiration from God. This address was delivered before the whole house of Is'ra-el as they assembled at She'chem, which was the exact center of the Holy Land.
   It was fitting for the last assembly of Is'ra-el to hear the voice of Josh'u-a to be held at She'chem. It was here that the Covenant was first given to A'bra-ham four hundred and fifty years before. It was in this vicinity that God appeared to Ja'cob in a vision by night and renewed the Covenant, and it was under an oak tree near this city that Ja'cob cast out the strange gods from his family. Twenty-three years before this assembly Josh'u-a had gathered all Is'ra-el on this sacred spot for the renewal of the Covenant which God had made with A'bra-ham and I'saac and Ja'cob, and for the public reading of all the laws of Mo'ses. Her God had promised to this generation the inheritance of the whole land of Ca'naan, and here the people had solemnly pledged their obedience to all His laws. How fitting, for Is'ra-el to be in a place of so many Holy memories to hear Josh'u-a's farewell address!

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