Monday, November 21, 2016

Story 66: Oth'ni-el And E'hud, Two Heroes Of Is'ra-el ll

   These long years of punishment worked out the purposes and mercy of God toward Is'ra-el. They were severely afflicted, not merely for the sake of punishment, but in order to correct and reform them. God was seeking to turn them back to Himself. He was seeking to cure them of the dreadful disease which had done so much harm among them. When these purposes were fully accomplished, He raised up from among them a leader who delivered them from the rule of Chu'shan and restored peace and prosperity to the land. When Is'ra-el repented of their sins and cried in righteous sorrow to the LORD, He came to their help as quickly as He had so many times in the past.
   In choosing the man of the hour, who must be capable of organizing the Is'ra-el-ites for war against their foreign masters, and of leading them in breaking the yoke of a cruel king who had terrified the people for eight years, the LORD laid His hand on a veteran named Oth'ni-el. He was a member of the family Ke'naz, was closely related to Ca'leb, and had won honor in the early wars of Is'ra-el in Ca'naan. In the notable victory at De'bir his name had risen as a star of the first magnitude in the military skies of Is'ra-el.
   Oth'ni-el was a man of ripe experience, being fully eighty-five years of age when he was called to judge Is'ra-el. He had learnt long before that Is'ra-el's hope of victory in war depended upon faith in God, and that their defeats were always the result of unbelief and departure from the Laws of God. He was a deeply religious man, and to him the honor of God's name was more precious than anything else in the world. He attacked the armies of Chu'shan in the name of the all-powerful God, and at the same time used all his own skill as a leader. All the resources at his command were faithfully employed, and, with practical endurance and perfect trust in God, he accomplished what appeared to be impossible. The Syr'i-ans were driven from the land, and Is'ra-el was given forty years of rest from all enemies.
   After the deliverance of Is'ra-el from the oppression of the Syr'i-ans, the worship of God was resumed throughout the nation, and idolatry was overthrown. Civil justice was restored, and the laws and ordinances of God were now fully resumed.
   Upon the death of Oth'ni-el, however, the children of Is'ra-el once again fell into idolatrous practices and evils of various kinds. Again the LORD visited them with severe punishments for their sins. He afflicted them to show that He cannot violate His own Holiness by allowing His people to worship false gods, that sin is always a deep offense to Him, and that He will not let His own people engage in things which undermine their character and destroy their happiness.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Story 66: Oth'ni-el And E'hud, Two Heroes Of Is'ra-el l

   It hardly seems possible that a people who had been so greatly honored by the LORD, and who had made such strong pledges of loyalty to Him, would soon fall into disgraceful idolatry and heathen wickedness. And yet this is exactly what happened within twenty or thirty years after the death of Josh'u-a. A people, chosen of God, highly privileged and well trained, became treacherous in heart and wicked in life. A nation which had been founded by special acts of Divine Providence and blessed with the noblest leaders of any age suddenly forgot the favors of God, fell into a state of idolatry, and disobeyed the known Will of God.
   Instead of driving the idolaters out of the land, the Is'ra-el-ites mingled with them even to the point of worshiping their false gods. The Covenant which they had solemnly made with God was rejected, the fear of God was cast off, His Laws were scorned or forgotten, and the worship which belonged to Him was given to lifeless images.
   Is'ra-el had avoided the danger of war with the heathens among them by forming sinful alliances, by accepting them as good neighbors, by entering into marriages which the LORD had forbidden, and by lowering their standards of religion. Because of these sins the LORD brought upon them a strong enemy from outside the land of the Is'ra-el-ites.
   Chu'shan-Rish-a-tha'im, who was king of Syr'i-a on the Eu-phra'tes, and who was a terror throughout the east, invaded the land of Is'ra-el with a great army. His name stood for lawlessness, violence, and cruelty, and he was called "the crime-committing Chu'shan." He ruled the rich country of Mes-o-po-ta'mia, which lay between the Ti'gris and Eu-phra'tes rivers, and dominated neighboring countries for hundreds of miles around.
   Traversing a distance of four hundred miles, this cruel king invaded the land of Is'ra-el from the east, and there followed one of the most tragic stories of the weakness caused by sin. The powerful host of God's people, before whom the armies of the Am'o-rites and Am'mon-ites had melted away like snow under a burning sun, trembled in fear of the invader from the far northeast. The mighty army which had routed more than thirty kings in Ca'naan quailed in dismay, and the soldiers turnt their backs in fright at the appearance of a single chieftain and his army from far away Syr'i-a.
   For eight years the Is'ra-el-ites were forced to live under the oppression of Chu'shan. They were treated  as though they were slaves, were beaten and tortured, and forced to pay heavy tribute to their masters. it was a period of terrible sufferings, of broken hearts and bruised limbs, and of unspeakable anguish as the people bowed under the iron rule of the dark prince of the house of Ham, notorious for his "double-wickedness." For their abandonment of God's Covenant they were abandoned by God, and were left to reap the natural result of their idolatry and wickedness.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Story 65: Josh'u-a's Closing Years; His Farewell Messages To Is'ra-el lV

   To this challenge the people of Is'ra-el responded with pledges of absolute loyalty to God, declaring that they would never forsake Him, or serve other gods. Thinking of all the Mighty works He had performed for them, they said, "There is no god like our God." With hearts full of gratitude for all that He had done for them, the people declared that they did not belong to themselves, to do as they pleased, but that they belonged to the God who had redeemed them as His very own.
   Josh'u-a then warned them that they could not serve God and at the same time worship idols. He declared, "Our God is Holy and jealous, and will not give or divide His glory with any other. You cannot serve Him in a half hearted manner, nor can you serve Him in your own strength."
   Although these words of Josh'u-a appeared to suggest that complete loyalty to God was beyond the strength of man, the Is'ra-el-ites replied, "Yes, but we will serve the LORD." They clung to their determination to be true to God and to refrain from every vestige of idolatry even more strongly and persistently than at first.
   This declaration of faith and loyalty to Him was accepted by the LORD on condition that the Is'ra-el-ites immediately put out of their hearts every tendency to serve other gods. Josh'u-a reminded them once more that God is jealous, and will accept no divided services of any kind. Truly, God is jealous of His own Glory, of the righteousness of His children, of the Supremacy of His Kingdom in the hearts and lives of His people, and of the influences which His people have over others. This jealousy is wholly unselfish, and is all-important in the happiness and welfare of God's children.
   After receiving these solemn pledges of constant allegiance and loyalty to God, Josh'u-a made a Covenant with the people. He also erected by the side of the Tabernacle in She'chem a stone memorial to the promises which had been given him. This monument was to serve as an everlasting reminder of the pledges given to God on this memorial occasion, and as a witness against Is'ra-el if they departed from the LORD.
   The people of Is'ra-el were sent back to their tribal homes, and soon afterwards Josh'u-a died and his body was buried on the border of Tim'nath. E-le-a'zar, the High Priest, died a short time later, and one by one the elders of Is'ra-el who had been associated with Josh'u-a also passed away. But Josh'u-a, though dead, continued to speak. His unselfish and holy life became an abiding power to hold those he had faithfully served steadfast in the faith. Through the gloom and heaviness caused by his death the radiant brightness of his noble character continued to shine.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Story 65: Josh'u-a's Closing Years ; His Farewell Messages To Is'ra-el lll

   Josh'u-a began his address by reminding the Is'ra-el-ites of their humble origin. Their ancestors before the Flood had been idol-worshipers. A'bra-ham's father was an idolater, but he had been chosen of God and called out of a land of idolatry. Under the grace and protection of God he had sojourned in the land of Ca'naan, and God had promised this land as a national home for his descendants. The patriarch's I'saac and Ja'cob had dwelt in the land of Ca'naan, and with each of them God had renewed the Covenant which he had made with A'bra-ham. Josh'u-a presented these facts as the basis of an appeal for humility, gratitude, and loyalty.
   He then spoke briefly of the two hundred fifteen years in E'gypt, and of the slavery into which the Is'ra-el-ites had fallen toward the end of that period. He reminded them of the love of God in giving them Mo'ses to lead them out of bondage in E'gypt, and to impart to them the Laws of God; of God's favor in giving them Aa'ron to direct their worship; and of the miraculous way in which God had cared for them and guided them during their forty years in the wilderness. It had been through God's help that they were delivered from the armies of E'gypt, from the superior forces of the Am'a-lek-ites, from the scheming of Ba'lak and the greed of Ba'laam, and from the powerful tribes of the Am'o-rites.
   The marvelous manner in which God had enabled them to conquer the warlike nations of Ca'naan was quickly reviewed. Strong enemies which might easily have defeated them had they been left to their own strength were overthrown by the LORD. Thirty-one strong heathen nations east of the Jor'dan had been subdued, and their lands and cities given to the Is'ra-el-ites for an inheritance. Under the gracious Providence of God they were now living in houses which they had not built, gathering fruits from orchards which they had not planted, enjoying the finest of grapes from vineyards on which they had bestowed no labor, and living in security under His continued Blessings.
   With these proofs that God had chosen as His people, with the record of four hundred and fifty years of miraculous favors from God in the past, and with the blessings which they now enjoyed as the basis of His appeal, Josh'u-a urged Is'ra-el to serve God with perfect sincerity. They were called upon to avoid every form of idolatry, and to serve and worship only the True God. Declaring his own allegiance to God, Josh'u-a challenged the faith of the others in these words, "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve."

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Story 65: Josh'u-a's Closing Years; His Farewell Messages To Is'ra-el ll

   Looking to the future of Is'ra-el, he urged these leaders to be very courageous in doing all that God had commanded them, and assured them that the same God who had enabled them to conquer so much of the land would give them strength to drive out the heathens yet remaining within their borders. He earnestly warned them against joining in the idol-worship practiced by the heathens in their midst and in the neighboring countries. Just as their victories of the past had been won by holding fast to God, so their future triumphs would depend upon their obedience to Him and to His Commandments.
   Josh'u-a spoke very plainly in his warnings against any social or domestic alliances with the heathen families not yet driven out of Ca'naan. The Is'ra-el-ites must avoid the "snares and traps" of associating with such people, for, once they were ensnared by them, "scourges" would pierce their sides, and "thorns" would pluck out their eyes.
   Setting forth the love of God for them, he warned the people that love sinned against may be turnt into fierce anger. Mercy rejected has its counterpart in cold, stern justice. Transgression of the Holy Laws of God demands righteous indignation against the transgressor. Josh'u-a solemnly warned Is'ra-el that those who disobeyed God's Law would perish quickly.
   After delivering this message to the leaders of Is'ra-el, Josh'u-a lived quietly in his home for a few months before death finally came to him. He lived long enough to deliver a second and final message to all Is'ra-el. In his first message he had spoken in a personal and private manner, but in the second he spoke under direct inspiration from God. This address was delivered before the whole house of Is'ra-el as they assembled at She'chem, which was the exact center of the Holy Land.
   It was fitting for the last assembly of Is'ra-el to hear the voice of Josh'u-a to be held at She'chem. It was here that the Covenant was first given to A'bra-ham four hundred and fifty years before. It was in this vicinity that God appeared to Ja'cob in a vision by night and renewed the Covenant, and it was under an oak tree near this city that Ja'cob cast out the strange gods from his family. Twenty-three years before this assembly Josh'u-a had gathered all Is'ra-el on this sacred spot for the renewal of the Covenant which God had made with A'bra-ham and I'saac and Ja'cob, and for the public reading of all the laws of Mo'ses. Her God had promised to this generation the inheritance of the whole land of Ca'naan, and here the people had solemnly pledged their obedience to all His laws. How fitting, for Is'ra-el to be in a place of so many Holy memories to hear Josh'u-a's farewell address!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Story 65: Josh'u-a's Closing Years; His Farewell Messages To Is'ra-el l

   After all the tribes of Is'ra-el had been allotted their territories, and the borders of each had been clearly defined, a special inheritance was given to Josh'u-a. He had been foremost in the service of his country, but was last to receive a reward. Not until he had brought the whole nation into rich possessions would he accept a home for himself. The same meek spirit which had dominated his entire service in the wars of Is'ra-el prevailed in the division of the land which had been conquered.
   He asked of the High Priest E-le-a'zar and of the people that he be given the city of Tim'nath, an obscure place in the heart of the mountains of E'phra-im. Its chief fame in history is that it was founded and built by Josh'u-a, and that his body was buried in its vicinity.
   With the smile of God upon him, with the satisfaction of having done his work well, and with the gratitude of Is'ra-el for his faithful services, Josh'u-a retired to this quiet mountain home to spend his declining years. He was then about ninety-three years old, and for forty-seven years all his energy had been devoted to the welfare of Is'ra-el. Grown old at last, and weakened by the toils and hardships of the war in Ca'naan, he was entitled to rest. He had built a nation for Is'ra-el, and now under the kindly Providences of God he was permitted to build a humble city for himself. His strength was renewed, and so much of his former vigor restored that he lived to the ripe old age of one hundred and ten.
   Then his strength began to fail so rapidly that he knew the hour of his departure was near. In these moments of physical weakness his faith in God grew stronger, and his interest in the future welfare of Is'ra-el became more intense. He sent out an invitation for the elders, the princes and judges, and the leaders of various ranks in all the tribes to come to his home for a special message. A prompt response was given to this invitation, and a group which represented all Is'ra-el gathered to hear his message. He spoke not of the perpetuation of his own honor, but only of the preservation of Is'ra-el's integrity and faithfulness to God.
   In recounting his past services for Is'ra-el he boasted of nothing which he had done, but called attention to the miraculous manner in which God had fought for Is'ra-el. Nowhere in his message was there a word of self-esteem or self-praise. He spoke of himself only as a servant of God, and gave all honor to God as the Captain of the host of Is'ra-el. Every victory he had won was credited to the guidance and power of God. He had done nothing, but God had done everything.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Story 64: The Division Of Ca'naan Among The Twelve Tribes Of Is'ra-el VI

   Reu'ben, as the eldest son of Ja'cob, was entitled to the first rank among the tribes, and to a double share in the inheritance of Ca'naan. But he had lost those privileges by committing a great sin, and by leading a life which did not do him credit. Ja'cob therefore predicted that Reu'ben's descendants would hold a place of little importance in the inheritance of the twelve tribes.
   The territory allotted to Reu'ben by Mo'ses was on the east side of the Jor'dan and the Dead Sea, extending from the borders of Gad on the north to the land of Mo'ab on the south, and was about thirty miles wide. it was mountainous and well watered. Although the section lying along the Dead Sea was useless for human habitation or for pasturage, the remainder of this territory was well adapted to stock-raising, and was given to the tribe of Reu'ben because of these advantages.
   Two hundred and fifty years before the occupation of Ca'naan by the Is'ra-el-ites, Ja'cob had predicted that the tribe of Le'vi would be scattered throughout all the other tribes of the nation. Then, forty years before Is'ra-el entered the Promised Land, Mo'ses had directed that the male members of this tribe should be set apart for religious services as assistants to the priests, and that no inheritance or allotment be given to them. So, in the division of Ca'naan by Josh'u-a, no allottments were made to this tribe.
   Provision was made for them, however, in the appointment of forty-eight cities throughout the various tribes for their residence. While these cities were not owned by the Le'vites, nor occupied by them alone, enough houses were set aside to meet their needs. Provision was made for their support by requiring  the people of all the tribes to present tithes from their products of the land and from the increase of their sheep and cattle. Thus these religious workers were distributed throughout the land of Is'ra-el, and their needs were provided for so that all the people could be served by them.
   Having completed the allotments of territory for all the tribes of Is'ra-el settled west of the Jor'dan, and having confirmed the allotments made by Mo'ses east of the river, Josh'u-a solemnly warned the people that the Ca'naan-ites must be completely driven out of the territory allotted to each tribe. He then sent all the tribes to the territories to which they had been assigned, and took up residence in the special allotment which had been provided for him. He had faithfully served the interest of the Nation under Mo'ses for forty years; and for seven years he had led Is'ra-el in a continuous war in conquering much of the land of Ca'naan. He retired to a well earned and much deserved period of rest.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Story 64: The Division Of Ca'naan Among The Twelve Tribes Of Is'ra-el V

   According to the prophecies of both Ja'cob and Mo'ses, the descendants of Naph'ta-li were to be noted for vivacity, timidity, and mildness in manner. From them were to come men and women gifted with eloquence in both prose and poetry. Ba'rak was descended from this tribe, and most of the apostles of our Sav'ior who preached the Gospel with such power came from this region. To this tribe, with its 53,400 men over twenty, Josh'u-a allotted a large inland area north of Is'sa-char, with Zeb'u-lun and Ash'er on the west, and bordering on the river Jor'dan to the east. The southern projections and foot-hills of the famed Leb'a-non mountains extended into this area, giving it richness and fertility. Ha'zor, the capital city of Ja'bin, who led in the unsuccessful league against Is'ra-el, was located in this territory. On its southeastern border was the sea od Chin'ne-roth, later known as the sea of Gal'i-lee, around which the Sav'ior spent much of His public ministry.
   Ja'cob and Mo'ses had predicted that the tribe of Ash'er would enjoy great worldly prosperity. Their land was to be one of plenty, providing not only necessities, but dainties of the richest kind. At the time the allotments were made, Ash'er numbered 53,400 men over the age of twenty. To them was assigned a strip of territory along the coast of the Med'i-ter-ra'ne-an extending from Mt. Car'mel on the south to the city of Tyre on the north, and extending eastward for fifteen to twenty-five miles. This area was made up of low mountains and rich plains, well adapted to growing the finest grains. The mountains were rich in valuable minerals and oil. The whole country was covered with olive orchards, gardens of tropical fruits, and broad fields of wheat. It was from this rich district that Sol'o-mon, several centuries later, supplied food for his friendly neighbors in Tyre and Si'don. Ac'cho, the best seaport on the Med'i-ter-ra'ne-an coast, was situated at the southern end of Ash'er, and was the center of sailing and commerce by men from the tribes of Ash'er and Zeb'u-lun.
   The prophetic statements of Ja'cob and Mo'ses concerning the descendants of Gad indicated that these people were to be patient and persevering,  capable of strong resistance in war. They were also skilled in the occupation of stock-raising. To them Mo'ses had assigned a large territory east of the Jor'dan, extending from the borders of Reu'ben on the south near the northern end of the Dead Sea to the southern borders of Ma'nas-seh on the north near the southern end of the sea of Chi'ne-roth.. This tract was about thirty miles wide. It was well watered and adapted to stock-raising, and was so situated that the Gad'ites could join the people of Ma'nas-seh in resisting invasions of the wandering tribes of the Syr'i-an desert east of the borders of Is'ra-el.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Story 64: The Division Of Ca'naan Among The Twelve Tribes Of Is'ra-el lV

   The tribe of Ma'nas-seh, descendants of the other son of Jo'seph, had grown in numbers much more rapidly than the tribe of E'phra-im, and its male population over the age of twenty totaled 52,700. Its members had also prospered in flocks and herds, and were noted for skill and bravery in war. To half of this tribe Mo'ses had allotted the territory east of Jor'dan known as Gil'e-ad. To the other half Josh'u-a gave a section of the best territory of Ca'naan lying north of E'phra-im, extending from the Jor'dan to the Med'i-ter-ra'ne-an Sea. Even with these two large areas, the tribe of Ma'nas-seh complained that they needed more land. Josh'u-a told them to help the other tribes in taking some of the cities yet unconquered, and that the cities which they took outside of their allotment would belong to them.
   The tribe of Is'sa-char was one of the larger of the twelve, having an adult male population of 64,300. It had been predicted that they would be an agricultural people, content with the fruits of peace and industry, and having no desire for the adventures of war. Material prosperity was their chief object in life, yet they did not have enterprise enough to avoid paying tribute to other nations which were stronger. They were given a rather small area just north of Ma'nas-seh, with the Jor'dan forming the eastern boundary, extending north for about thirty miles, and west for about the same distance. The land was mountainous, but within its borders there were many fertile plains, rich valleys, and several important towns. The main road leading from the Med'i-ter-ra'ne-an to the interior of Ca'naan passed through the southern part of the territory.
   It had been predicted that the descendants of Zeb'u-lun would become a great maritime people. This tribe had increased greatly in numbers, having a male population over the age of twenty of 60,500. The people were chiefly interested in commerce and industrial growth. They received a comparatively small district immediately northwest of Is'sa-char, and bordering on the Med'i-ter-ra'ne-an Sea for a distance of about fifteen miles. The land was less mountainous than much of Ca'naan, and there were many fertile plains and valleys. On the west was a part of the plains of Me-gid'do, famed as a battlefield in both ancient and medieval times, and over which passed the road from the Med'i-ter-ra'ne-an to the interior of the country.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Story 64: The Division Of Ca'naan Among The Twelve Tribes Of Is'ra-el lll

   The tribe of Sim'e-on was the smallest in numbers, having only 22,200 warriors. It had been predicted that this tribe would be closely associated with the tribe of Ju'dah, and dependent upon them in many respects. Sim'e-on was therefore given a territory south of the allotment of Ju'dah, bordering on the deserts of E'dom. The soil was poor in quality, the climate very dry for most of the year, and the country was unable to sustain even this small tribe. For this reason a number of cities within the borders of Ju'dah were assigned to Sim'e-on.
   It had been predicted that Ben'ja-min would be a tribe given to conquest, and in the wars of Ca'naan its members had been noted for courage and bravery. In occupation and habits, the people of this tribe were very much like those of Ju'dah. Since it was comparatively small in numbers, having only 45,600 able bodied men over twenty, there was no need for a large area. Ben'ja-min therefore received a small mountainous territory north of the eastern half of Ju'dah, and not far from the future ruling powers of the nation.
   The tribe of Dan was destined for a position of leadership in culture, political power, and the development of crafts. Numbering 64,400 warriors, it was allotted a comparatively small area just north of Ju'dah, and east of the territory given to Ben'ja-min and E'phra-im. This small tract however, was capable of supporting a large and growing population, for it embraced the wide and fertile plains of the Med'i-ter-ra'ne-an.
   Special favors had been promised to the tribe of E'phra-im because its members were descendants of one of the sons of Jo'seph. They had shown great courage during the wars of Is'ra-el, and had become prosperous in flocks and herds. Although the tribe at this time numbered only 32,500 men above the age of twenty, it had been promised a multitude of descendants; E'phra-im therefore received a very large area in central Ca'naan. This territory extended from the Jor'dan on the east to the Med'i-ter-ra'ne-an on the west, and was north of Ben'ja-min and Dan. Most of this area was very mountainous, but the soil was rich and fertile, and fresh streams of water flowed in abundance. It was, in many respects, the best part of Ca'naan. Within its borders were the mountains of E'bal and Ger'iz-im, where the Covenant had been renewed by Is'ra-el soon after entering Ca'naan; the sacred city of She'chem, and other places memorable in the lives of A'bra-ham, I'saac, and Ja'cob.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Story 64: The Division Of Ca'naan Among The Twelve Tribes Of Is'ra-el ll

   Throughout his faithful ministry Josh'u-a had repeatedly been promised by the LORD that he should cause the Is'ra-el-ites to inherit the Promised Land. One of his greatest desires was to see each of the tribes settled in the territory which was to be allotted, to have the whole land divided among them according to the directions of God. And so the LORD directed him to cease from war, and to divide the land. After this, he was to retire, leaving the conquest of all unpossessed lands and cities entirely in the hands of the various tribes.
   God also directed him to remove the Tabernacle from Gil'gal, where it had stood for nearly seven years, to a place called Shi'loh in the mountainous region which was to be allotted to the tribe of E'phra-im. This city was situated in the geographical center of the land of the Is'ra-el-ites, and remained the central place of worship for the whole nation for more than three hundred years. The Ark of the Covenant was thus placed at a point which was convenient for all the people, and the He'brews from every part of the land, including the tribes east of the Jor'dan, were required to go up to Shi'loh for special sacrifices and religious festivals.
   Before moving the Tabernacle from Gil'gal to Shi'loh, Josh'u-a made allotments for the tribes of Ju'dah and Sim'e-on. After setting up the Tabernacle at Shi'loh he called the entire house of Is'ra-el into an assembly for allotting the remaining territory of Ca'naan to the other seven tribes, and to the half tribe of Ma'nas-seh which had so far received no land. A commission of thirty-six men, three from each of the tribes of Is'ra-el, was appointed to make a complete survey of the land not yet allotted, and to set the boundaries for the allotments which were about to be made. After devoting about six months to a survey of these lands, the commission reported its findings to Josh'u-a, and the allotments were made.
   In making these allotments great care was taken to follow the prophecies which Ja'cob had made concerning each tribe two hundred and fifty years before, and which had been confirmed by Mo'ses in his farewell address. Each tribe was given the territory best adapted to its own habits and occupations, and to the place which it would hold in the future history of the entire nation.
   The tribe of Ju'dah was the largest in numbers, there being 76,500 men above the age of twenty who were able to bear arms. It had been honored with the position of leadership, and from it would be born the future kings of the nation and the promised Mes-si'ah. This tribe was therefore given a large mountainous area west of the Dead Sea and extending to the Med'i-ter-ra'ne-an. This tract was filled with fertile valleys and hills, and abounded in fruitful vineyards and green pastures.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Story 64: The Division Of Ca'naan Among The Twelve Tribes Of Is'ra-el l

   For nearly seven years after the Is'ra-el-ites entered the land of Ca'naan under the leadership of Josh'u-a they were engaged in unceasing war. Several invasions were made in various parts of the land, and the whole country was subdued. The Is'ra-el-ites had succeeded in breaking the power of all the idolatrous nations which formerly occupied the land of Ca'naan.
   Before the death of Mo'ses the Mo'ab-ites, Am'mon-ites, and Am'o-rites had been routed from their lands east of the Jor'dan, and this territory had been given to the tribes of Reu'ben and Gad, and to half of the tribe of Ma'nas-seh.
   In the southern section of Ca'naan west of the Jor'dan the Am'a-lek-ites, Ke'nites, and E'dom-ites had been overcome by Josh'u-a, and their lands were allotted to the tribes of Ju'dah and Sim'e-on.
   In the mountainous central regions west of the Jor'dan the combined forces of Is'ra-el had completely defeated the Hi'vites, Ca'naan-ites, Hit'tites, Per'iz-zites, and Je'bu-sites, and their lands were assigned to the tribes of Ben'ja-min and E'phra-im, and to the other half of the tribe of Ma'nas-seh.
   The northern section of the land west of the Jor'dan was taken from the Am'or-ites, Ca'naan-ites, and Gir'ga-shites, and their lands were given to the tribes od Is'sa-char, Zeb'u-lun, and Naph'ta-li.
   The Med'i-ter-ra'ne-an coastal region had been occupied by the Phi-lis'tines, Ca'naan-ites, and Zi'don-ians, but these strong nations had been subdued by Josh'u-a. The lands in this district were assigned to the tribe of Ash'er on the northwest, to the tribe of Dan in the west central part of the land, and parts of these grants were added to the territory of E'phra-im and Ma'nas-seh.
   Within the territories taken from all these heathen nations there remained many towns and settlements which were not conquered in the general war led by Josh'u-a. Although Josh'u-a was nearly one hundred years old, and his strength was failing, he felt it his duty to go on with the conflict until every city was won and no land was left unpossessed by Is'ra-el.
   But the LORD directed him to bring to a close the general war, and to divide the land west of the Jor'dan among the nine tribes of Is'ra-el which had not yet received their allotments, and to provide for the other half of the tribe of Ma'nas-seh. The conquest of the cities and lands which were still unsubdued was to be placed in the hands of the various tribes in whose territory they were situated.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Story 63: The Conquest Of Northern Ca'naan; Ca'leb Wins Honor ll

   In making the allotments of land to the twelve tribes of Is'ra-el, one man of the tribe of Ju'dah had shown great ability. It was Ca'leb, who was the only man among the Is'ra-el-ites, except Josh'u-a, who was past sixty years of age when they crossed the Jor'dan into the land of Ca'naan. He was honored in a special manner because of his faithfulness as one of the spies sent out by Mo'ses. The giants which had caused a spirit of fear and cowardice among the Is'ra-el-ites lived in the vicinity of He'bron. In making their report to Mo'ses, Ca'leb and Josh'u-a had said, "We are well able to subdue these mighty people." For forty-five years Ca'leb had waited to make good that statement, and to occupy the city of He'bron which had vividly remained in his memory.
   When the time arrived for the land of Ca'naan to be divided among the families of Is'ra-el, Ca'leb came to Josh'u-a and said, "I was forty years old when Mo'ses sent me to spy out this land, and though I am now eighty-five, I am as strong as I was in the day that Mo'ses commanded us to inspect the land of Ca'naan. I am fully capable for the most strenuous demands of warfare with the strongest peoples of these mountainous regions. The LORD promised me that I should have this part of the land, and now I ask that He'bron and the mountains occupied by roving giants be given to me."
   This bold request proved the heroic spirit of Ca'leb. In his bravery, however, he counted upon the favor of God for future victories over these strong enemies, and he confessed, "If the LORD shall be with me, then shall I be able to drive out these giants," The request of Ca'leb was granted by Josh'u-a, and a special blessing was pronounced upon him.
   A few miles southwest of He'bron there was a place known as De'bir, or Kir'jath-Seph'er, which was strongly fortified by one of the bravest of the tribes of giants. Ca'leb asked for a volunteer to lead in attacking and capturing this stronghold.
   Among the bravest men of his army was a captain named Oth'ni-el, who was in love with Ca'leb's daughter Ach'sah. Ca'leb hoped that his daughter would choose for her husband a man who was noted for honor, bravery, and zeal in the conquest of the land, so he proposed to give his daughter in marriage to the man who led in taking De'bir.
   Oth'ni-el offered to undertake this task, not only because he was willing to risk his life for the woman he loved, but because he was a man of superior courage and character. His bold attack upon the strongly defended place was successful, Ach'sah was given to him on marriage, and at her request Ca'leb bestowed a dowry more than was customary.
   After the death of Josh'u-a, Oth'ni-el was chosen as the first Judge of all Is'ra-el, and he served his nation for many years with honor and distinction.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Story 63: The Conquest Of Northern Ca'naan; Ca'leb Wins Honor l

   following the victory of Is'ra-el over the united kings of southern Ca'naan, and the conquest of all their cities and towns, Josh'u-a turnt his attention to the vast mountain regions of northern Ca'naan and the plains of the Med'i-ter-ra'ne-an. Only one year was needed in the conquest of southern Ca'naan, beginning with the overthrow of Jer'i-cho, but it took about five years to subdue the northern part of the Promised Land. We come now to the close of this period.
   On the way the LORD appeared to Josh'u-a in a vision, saying, "Tomorrow about this time I will deliver this great army into thy hands." It was the largest and best equipped army which Is'ra-el had been forced to meet, and for the first time they were to encounter cavalrymen and war chariots. It was only natural for the Is'ra-el-ites to be alarmed by these new dangers, so the LORD said to Josh'u-a, "Thou shalt smite their horses and burn their chariots with fire."
   In the battle on the plains of the waters of Me'rom, Josh'u-a and his army made the attack.
Aided by the LORD they descended upon the mighty army of northern Ca'naan with such force that the allied heathen soldiers were completely defeated. Thousands were killed, their horses were slain, and the war chariots were either captured or destroyed. The army of Ca'naan was driven from the field, and forced to retreat eastward toward the coastal city of Zi'don, and into the valley of Miz'peh. Is'ra-el pursued the Ca'naan-ites, burning their cities and slaying their kings. The entire country was conquered, and the heathen people were destroyed.
   On his return from these victories Josh'u-a paused long enough to destroy the city of Ha'zor and to slay its king. Even the giant-like people of the city of He'bron and the mountains of Ju'dah, who had been so terrifying to ten of the twelve spies who were sent out forty years before, were conquered and slain. Except for a few scattered towns, the entire land was brought under conquest.
   When seven years of continuous warfare had finally brought these victories to Is'ra-el, the LORD said to Josh'u-a, "Thou art old and stricken in strength, and their remaineth yet many isolated sections of the country to be conquered. These shall be given to Is'ra-el under My providence and by My power. But before you reach the end of your way, it is to be your privilege and duty to divide the land of Ca'naan among the twelve tribes." So Josh'u-a allotted certain territory to each tribe, and set the boundary lines. Towns and areas yet unconquered within any of the allotted territories were to be taken by the tribes to which they had been assigned.