Saturday, June 11, 2016

Story 31: The Removal Of Ja'cob And His Family To E'gypt lll

   The sixty-six members of Ja'cob's household, together with the large numbers of servants in his employ, started toward the land in which Ja'cob's descendants were destined to live for the next two hundred and fifteen years, and where they were to grow into a great people numbering nearly three million souls. Here they were to learn the arts and trades of the greatest nation of their time, and to be prepared both in mind and spirit for a glorious return to the land which they were now leaving.
   When they reached Be'er-she'ba, a town on the southern border of the country just before crossing into the wilderness and deserts lying between Ca'naan and E'gypt, there was a pause for sacrifices unto the God of I'saac. Here both A'bra-ham and I'saac had lived at different times in their lives, and the place was filled with memories of these noble ancestors of Ja'cob. Before leaving the land which had been promised to his descendants, Ja'cob sought to know the will of God. He felt sure that the right course was being followed, and that Jo'seph would do all that he had promised, but before making so dangerous a journey into a foreign land he thought it wise to seek guidance from the LORD.
   While Ja'cob and his sons were engaged in this act of worship, the LORD appeared to Ja'cob in a wonderful vision. He revealed Himself to Ja'cob as the Almighty, who was able to keep all His promises, and to bring Ja'cob in perfect safety through all the trials and hardships of the journey. The LORD said to Ja'cob, "Fear not to go down into E'gypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation. I will go down with thee into E'gypt, and I will also surely bring thee up again." In these words the LORD renewed His promise to make a great nation of the descendants of Ja'cob, and in due time to bring them back to the land of Ca'naan.
   Upon reaching the borders of E'gypt, Ja'cob and his large company halted their march for a short time. Ja'cob then sent his son Ju'dah, who had shown his ability as a leader on other occasions, to inform Jo'seph of their arrival, and to ask him what course they should follow in entering the new land. E'gypt was a strong, well organized kingdom, and a group of wandering shepherds could not safely pass through the land without proper ceremony and official protection. Authority and directions were given for them to pass directly to the land of Go'shen, which was the finest pasture land in all E'gypt.
   Jo'seph at once ordered his official chariot made ready, and quickly drove out to meet his father. Ja'cob and his beloved son fell into the arms of one another, embraced most tenderly, and for a long time shed tears of happiness. For the first time since he had sent the lad of seventeen upon a long and dangerous journey to Do'than with a message for his brothers, Ja'cob now looked upon the face of his favorite son. So happy was he that he expressed a desire to pass on at once to the Happy Land beyond this life, but it was God's will that he should live for another seventeen years.

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