Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Animal Kingdom lV

   874. It is completely untrue that a camel has a special sense of direction in the trackless desert. In fact camels easily lose their way and often become separated from the rest of the caravans.

   875. Locusts are insects, the most-mentioned insect in the whole Bible. They destroy crops and plague people. They were one of the plagues sent upon Egypt by God before pharaoh let His people go out of the land. Some think they were permitted as food, however, because John the Baptist ate locusts and honey while staying in the wilderness (Mark 1:6).

   876. Insects such as ants and honeybees were well-respected in the Bible. Ants are busy animals and work hard to stay organized; Proverbs rewards the ant by giving it a place in Scripture. Honey was a special commodity in the Middle East, and honeybees were prized.

   877. Flies, fleas, and gnats (also translated "lice") were disliked strongly and could also carry disease. As in modern times, such insects were greatly unappreciated. They were a plague that descended on Egypt when pharaoh remained stubborn about letting the Israelites leave.

   878. Lions were kept by royalty and remain a sign of wealth and power. The regal beasts were a common enough animal in the Old Testament, but they have since become extinct in the Middle East. Killing a lion was a sign of great strength, as evidenced by David and Samson when they slew the majestic beasts.




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