Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Angels in the Bible lll

   843. Hebrews 1:14 says angels are "ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation." As such they come to our aid and offer help where they can to make our lives better. They are spiritual beings that remain invisible.

   844. A "heavenly host" is not merely a bunch of angels. The term means an "angel army." The heavenly host that came upon the shepherds when Jesus was born was singing and praising God, but they were a "company" of God's army of angels nonetheless.

   845. Jacob's vision depicts the angels as being lined up on an immense ladder that stretches between the earth and the heavens (Gen. 28:12-15). God looks down and sees us and watches as the angels bring their messages from Him.

   846. There is a hierarchical organization  of angels, though it is uncertain exactly what that might look like. There are seven angels in God's presence that surround the throne. These angels are constantly worshiping their Creator.

   847. Saint Denis the Areopagite wrote a treatise called "DeCoelesti Hierarchia" that claims there are defined levels and ranks of angels. However, his work was largely unaccepted except for that pertaining to choirs of angels. The church heartily accepts this idea but does not make believing in varying levels of angels a requirement.

   848. Gregory the Great demonstrated what the early church believed concerning angels with his comments: "There are nine orders of angels, viz., Angels, Archangels, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Dominations, Throne, Cherubim, Seraphim." He based this on the apostle Paul's findings as well as other Scriptures.


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