Saturday, July 30, 2016

Story 43: Water Drawn From A Rock; Prayer Brings Victory In Battle l

   After leaving their encampment in the wilderness of sin, the Is'ra-el-ites journeyed in the direction of Mount Si'nai. They halted for a short time at places called Doph'kah and A'lush, and finally pitched their tents at a place called Reph'i-dim, which was near Mount Ho'reb and Mount Si'nai.
   The region called Reph'i-dim was without water; although the Is'ra-el-ites were being supplied with food from Heaven, they were suffering intensely with thirst. They began to murmur again; knowing that Mo'ses had been aided by the LORD many times before in serving them, they said to him, "Give us water that we may drink."
   In reply to the prayer of Mo'ses, the LORD said to him, "Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Ho'reb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink."
   Facing the multitude of thirsty men and women, whose little children were crying for water, and whose sheep and cattle were panting with thirst, Mo'ses asked them to gather before the rock in Ho'reb. He struck the rock as the LORD had commanded, and suddenly there burst forth from the mountain of stone a stream of fresh water which ran like a river through the encampment of the Is'ra-el-ites. Both people and cattle had water in abundance, and the stream continued to flow as long as they remained in the valley.
   Living in A-ra'bi-a at that time was a large and fierce tribe of wanderers known as the Am'a-lek-ites. They were descendants of E'sau, about whom we learnt in a previous story.
   When the Am'a-lek-ites learnt that the descendants of Ja'cob who were now called the Is'ra-el-lites encamped in the wilderness near Mount Si'nai, they made a crafty attack upon the weakest point in the defenses of their ancient enemy.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Story 42: Trials And Murmurings In The Wilderness; The Bread From Heaven lll

   God sent the manna as a free gift of Divine grace, but the people had to use their own strength in gathering it, and their own skill in finding ways of preparing it. God fed them, but they had to work to satisfy their hunger. The manna had to be gathered quickly, for it was melted by the heat of the rising sun; if the people failed to gather enough, they went hungry; if they took more than their proper share, it spoiled. The gathering of the manna was a daily duty, and those who became indolent or careless were forced to do without food.
   The laws of God had to be followed in gathering the manna. From the time of Creation the seventh day of the week had been a holy day, and man had been commanded to do no manual work on this day. For this reason no manna was provided on the Sab'bath, and those who searched for it were properly punished by going hungry. The double portion gathered on the sixth day did not spoil, as it would have done had it been gathered on any other day. The LORD still has a way of making worthless that for which men labor on the day which He has set aside for worship.
   The failure of the Is'ra-el-ites to obey this order was a sign of their lack of reverence for the One who had so wonderfully helped them, and it showed a wicked nature which brought down upon itself a fitting punishment. Mo'ses ordered Aa'ron to keep a pot of the manna as a memorial of God's wonderful providence in feeding Is'ra-el during the long sojourn of forty years in the wilderness. Later this pot of manna was placed in the sacred Ark about which we shall learn in other stories. It was a valuable reminder to future generations of God's power to provide for His people in dire need.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Story 42: Trials And Murmurings In The Wilderness; The Bread From Heaven ll

   The LORD knew that these complaints against His servants were in reality complaints against Him, yet He looked with tender mercy upon the sad condition of the people. He therefore told Mo'ses of His purpose to supply Is'ra-el with meat in the evening and bread in the morning, declaring that He would send down like rain from Heaven all the food which the Is'ra-el-ites needed. These promises of God were announced to the entire company of Is'ra-el by the elders and leaders of each tribe. The people were called to worship, and in the evening as they looked toward the wilderness on the east the glory of the LORD shone in the clouds. As the sun sank in the horizon the LORD caused great flocks of quail to come up to their camp, so that the ground was covered with them. The quail were then used to supply the people with meat.
   When the people arose on the next morning and looked out upon the wilderness around them, they saw that the ground everywhere was covered with small, round particles, white like frost, and sparkling in the dew like diamonds. Amazed at the strange sight, they cried aloud, "Manna! Manna!" which means , "What is it?"
   Mo'ses explained to them that this was the bread which the LORD had promised to send like rain from Heaven, and that they were to go out and gather just enough of it to last them for one day. This wonderful supply of food was to be given by the LORD on every morning except the Sab'bath, so on the sixth day of each week the people were to gather a double supply.
   The people gathered the manna as directed by Mo'ses, and prepared it for their meals in various ways. It was a fine, nourishing food, with a taste like that of wafers and honey. Whenever one of them disobeyed the LORD'S command and took more than he needed, it would spoil before it could be eaten. Those who failed to gather a double portion on the sixth day of the week found that there was no manna to be had on the Sab'bath; for their disobedience they had to go without food for one day.
   Both the manner in which God supplied this food and the nature of the food itself were miraculous. The manna was not produced by any natural means, and it was wholly independent of climate, weather, or any other worldly condition. It was supplied in the same miraculous way during the entire forty years of Is'ra-el's sojourn in the wilderness, and fell upon them in the same manner at every encampment in various parts of the desert.                   

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Story 42: Trials And Murmurings In The Wilderness; The Bread From Heaven l

   Following the great triumph over their enemies in the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea there was a season of rejoicing in the camp of Is'ra-el. Led by Mir'i-am, the sweet singer, all the children of Is'ra-el joined in singing the Song of Mo'ses. Then they journeyed in a southeasterly direction along the rugged coastline of the sea. Still guided by the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night, they turnt into the interior of the A-ra'bi-an Peninsula, which was a great desert, toward the place where Mo'ses had seen the flaming bush that was not burnt.
   After travelling for three days they came to a place where there were springs of water, but they soon found that the water was too bitter to drink. Once again the Is'ra-el-ites forgot the mercies and power of God, and began to murmur against Mo'ses because of the bitterness of the water. Then the LORD directed Mo'ses to find a certain shrub and to throw it into the water. As soon as this was done the water became pure and good to drink, and Mo'ses assured the people that all would go well with them if they would only trust in the LORD and obey His commandments.
   From Ma'rah, which was the name they gave to the place of bitter waters, the children of Is'ra-el journeyed to a place called E'lim. This was a beautiful valley about one mile long, with twelve fountains of water and seventy palm trees. Here they encamped for several months before resuming their journey. Although the waters were sweet and healthful, and there was an abundance of grass for their cattle, it was the duty of the He'brews to journey on toward their Promised Land in Ca'naan.
               "E'lim! sweet foretaste of rest and blessing,
               Soon must be left for the lengthening way;
               But it is well that Thy pilgrims should gather
               Courage and strength for the wearisome way."
   As they travelled deeper into the desert of the A-ra'bi-an Peninsula they came into what was known as the wilderness of Sin, between E'lim and Mt. Si'nai. It was now two months since they had left E'gypt, and the small food supplies which they had been able to bring with them were nearly gone. The sheep and cattle which they had brought out of E'gypt had to be kept for making offerings to God, and for future increase in their new home. And so the three million people began to wonder where they were to secure food. Fear and panic spread among them, for their future in this vast wilderness seemed hopeless. They remembered that even during the bondage and hardships suffered in E'gypt they had never been forced to go hungry.
   In their desperation the people murmured against Mo'ses and Aa'ron, the two noble servants of God who had just led them so miraculously out of slavery in E'gypt. The whole company of Is'ra-el, including the elders and the appointed leaders of the twelve tribes, joined in this complaint. In the face of the wonderful events of the past three months these murmurings of Is'ra-el were unreasonable, ungrateful, and actually wicked. The people complained about things which never happened, and even longed to return to their old life of bondage in E'gypt.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Story 41: The Miraculous Dividing Of The Red Sea For Is'ra-el's Passage lV

And with the blast of Thy nostrils the water were piled up,
The floods stood upright as a heap;
The deeps were congealed in the heart of the Sea.

The enemy said,
I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil;
My desire shall be satisfied upon them;
I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them.

Thou didst blow with Thy wind, the sea covered them:
They sank as lead in the mighty waters.

Who is like unto thee, O Je-ho'vah, among the gods?
Who is like Thee, glorious in holiness,
Fearful in praises, doing wonders?

Thou stretchest out Thy right hand,
The earth swallowed them.

Thou in Thy loving kindness hast led the people that Thou hast
Thou hast guided them in Thy strength to Thy holy habitation.

The peoples have heard, they tremble:
Pangs have taken hold on the inhabitants of Phi-lis'ti-a.

Then were the chiefs of E'dom dismayed;
The mighty men of Mo'ab, trembling taketh hold upon them:
All the inhabitants of Ca'naan are melted away.

Terror and dread falleth upon them:
By the greatness of Thine arm they are as still as stone;
Till thy people pass over that Thou hast purchased.

Thou wilt bring them in, and plant them in the mountains of Thine
The place, O Je-ho'vah, which Thou hast made for Thee to dwell in,
The Sanctuary, O LORD, which Thy hands have established,
Je-ho'vah shall reign forever and ever."

   Truly, this song was put into the mouth of Mo'ses by the Spirit of God. It was not only sung to the Glory of God, but was composed and revealed unto Mo'ses by The LORD. Its grandeur and beauty surpass by far the greatest compositions of the mind of man. Its contents are descriptive, historical, and prophetic. The song speaks with equal beauty of Divine vengeance and grace, and of the deliverance of the righteous through the destruction of the wicked. It has lived through the centuries, will abide to the end of time upon earth, and will be among the most glorious hymns of Heaven. The redeemed of the LORD shall sing together around the great white throne the
               "Song of Mo'ses and the Lamb."

               "Hark, how the adoring hosts above
               With songs surround the throne
               Ten thousand thousand are their tongues,
               But all their hearts are one."

(I hope I did the songs justice in copying them.)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Store 41: The Miraculous Dividing Of The Red Sea For Is'ra-el's Passage lll

   During the confusion which fell upon the E'gyp-tians just before their destruction, some of them cried out, "Let us fly from the face of the Is'ra-el-ites! The LORD is fighting for them, and against us!" But their cry came too late. The hour was at hand for the LORD to complete deliverance of Is'ra-el by the destruction of her enemies. Safe and secure at last, all Is'ra-el gazed upon the terrible spectacle of destruction.
               "She saw avenging wrath in Heaven above-
               A gathering tempest-clouds of blighting woe-
               Teeming destruction on the vanquish'd foe."
   Following the mighty deliverance of Is'ra-el and the miraculous destruction of her foes, Mo'ses composed a beautiful poem which all Is'ra-el sang in praise of God. It is truly a wonderful poem, rich in color and power, and filled with beauty in every line. Stroke follows stroke with breathless haste, and future events are foretold in the same glorious fashion as deeds which had already made history.

"I will sing unto Je-ho'vah, for He hath triumphed gloriously:
The horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea.

Je-ho'vah is my strength and song,
And He has become my salvation:
He is my God, and I will praise Him:

Je-vo'vah is a man of war: Je-ho'vah is His name.

Pha'raoh's chariots and his host hath He cast into the sea;
And his chosen captains are sunk in the Red Sea.

The depths covered them,
They went down into the depths like a stone.

Thy right hand, O Je-ho'vah, is glorious in power,
Thy right hand, O Je-ho'vah, dasheth in pieces the enemy.

And in the greatness of thine excellency Thou overthrowest them that
               rise up against Thee:
Thou sendest forth thy wrath, it consumeth them as stubble.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Story 41: The Miraculous Dividing Of The Red Sea For Is'ra-el's Passage ll

   While the Is'ra-el-ites were making the journey, things back in E'gypt had taken a sudden change against them. No sooner were these hundreds of thousands of former slaves out of E'gypt than the wicked, greedy king began to think about what he had lost. He was very sorry that he had given permission for the He'brews to leave, and sent out spies to find them. It was soon reported that the Is'ra-el-ites were lost and entangled in the wilderness.
   Determined to regain the slaves whose services had been so valuable to him, Pha'raoh organized a great force to pursue and capture them. He called for his own chariot, and for six hundred chariots of his army; with many squadrons of horsemen, and with thousands of his bravest soldiers to assist in the pursuit, Pha'raoh set out to capture the people whom God had delivered.
   Soon the Is'ra-el-ites heard the rumblings of the chariot wheels as they rolled through the wilderness, and the thundering of the horses' hoofs. They knew that the heart of Pha'raoh was filled with hatred, and that he would stop not even at murder to force them back into his service. They also knew that whether they returnt to E'gypt or not, so many of them would be killed or wounded that their nation would be greatly weakened.
   The situation of the great company of Is'ra-el-ites was desperate. On either side of them huge mountains, too steep to climb; in front of them rolled the great billows of the Red Sea, while close behind them the angry E'gyp-tian king urged on with his mighty army. The Is'ra-el-ites were without weapons or military training; their enemies were too strong to meet in mortal combat; they could not level the mountains or span the sea. Lost in despair they could only bemoan their fate and complain against Mo'ses for bringing them into this dreadful predicament. They cried, "Why hast thou brought us out here into the wilderness to die? We should have preferred to remain in bondage in E'gypt."
   But God was on the side of the oppressed and distracted Is'ra-el-ites. He had led them into this perilous position, but He knew all the time how He would deliver them from it. Pha'raoh's greed and power must be so thoroughly shattered that he would never trouble them again. Is'ra-el must be taught again that God is able to solve any problem, and that for a long time to come they would have to rely upon Him. In their fear and panic the Is'ra-el-ites forgot the past mercies of the LORD, and could see nothing but their foes; in their belief they saw graves where there were none, but God had not forsaken them.
   Mo'ses prayed to the LORD in this emergency, and said to the children of Is'ra-el, "Calm your fears; be rid of your worries, for God shall deliver you." The LORD told him to lead the Is'ra-el-ites right down to the edge of the Red Sea, and then say to them, "Go forward." As Mo'ses lifted his staff toward the great, surging waters a miracle took place. The waters were suddenly divided, leaving a dry, safe highway entirely across the sea, and forming high walls of water on either side. All night long the host of Is'ra-el walked in safety through the highway which the LORD had made in the sea, and their flocks and herds were not afraid to make the crossing. The pillar of fire which had guided the Is'ra-el-ites was lifted by the LORD and placed behind them, providing light for their journey, and bringing confusion to the enemies who pursued them.
   Pha'raoh and his great army recklessly followed the Is'ra-el-ites into the great highway across the Red Sea. Here the heavy wheels of their chariots sank deep into the sand, and the E'gyp-tian forces were hindered in many other ways. As the dawn of a new day found the last of the Is'ra-el-ites climbing to safety on the other side of the sea, Mo'ses saw that the entire host of Pha'raoh was in the great lane which God had prepared for the escape of His chosen people. Mo'ses then lifted his staff toward the E'gyp-tians, and the mighty walls of water came rushing down upon them, drowning Pha'raoh and all his warriors.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Story 41: The Miraculous Dividing Of The Red Sea For Is'ra-el's Passage l

   After leaving E'gypt, the great host of the Is'ra-el-ites journeyed in an easterly direction to a place called Suc'coth, where they pitched their tents. Here the LORD directed Mo'ses to remind the people of the gratitude which they owed to the One who had so miraculously delivered them from bondage in E'gypt. Ceremonies and duties in keeping with their new freedom were now announced by the Divinely appointed leader.
   The Is'ra-el-ites were told that the eldest child in every family should be dedicated to God in a special manner, and that ever afterwards the first child born to a newly married couple should be set apart to God. In this way God established in Is'ra-el a perpetual memorial of His saving of the firstborn of the Is'ra-el-ites on the night when the eldest child in every E'gyp-tian family was taken by death. That eventful night would be kept alive in the memory of the chosen people of God forever. This requirement also taught the Is'ra-el-ites that the best of their earthly possessions were to be consecrated to the service of God; in offering sacrifices to Him, the people were to give the very best of whatever they had. In making this dedication of the firstborn to the LORD, a sacrifice of a lamb was to be offered as a reminder to Is'ra-el of the way in which their eldest children had been spared from the Angel of death in E'gypt.
   Then Mo'ses repeated the orders which he had already given in E'gypt for the establishment of the Pass'o-ver as a ceremony to be kept for all time, and warned the Is'ra-el-ites not to overlook this duty after they were settled in the land of Ca'naan. It would be impossible for them to keep the Pass'o-ver Feast during their prolonged journey through the wilderness, but it must be renewed in Ca'naan. The people were told to explain to their children the meaning of the Pass'o-ver Feast, and to do everything in their power to keep alive in the memory of future generations their wonderful deliverance from bondage in E'gypt. Among all the children of Is'ra-el the observance of the Pass'o-ver was to mark their national birthday.
   Following a brief rest at the place called Suc'coth, the Is'ra-el-ites resumed their journey toward Ca'naan. The most direct route over which they might travel was a caravan road around the northern end of an arm of the Red Sea, where there is now the Suez Canal. By taking this route they could have reached the southwest border of Ca'naan within five or six days. This route, however, would have led them through the territory held at that time by the warlike Phi-lis'tines, and it would have been impossible for Mo'ses to engage in battle while the He'brew warriors were accompanied by their wives and children, and encumbered with vast herds of cattle and flocks of sheep and large quantities of goods. The LORD also wished them to spend a year in the wilderness, where Mo'ses would be given special instructions for setting up the laws and religious rites of the nation, and for proclaiming the Divine laws which they were to observe in the Promised Land.
   For these reasons the LORD directed Mo'ses to take a rather difficult and hazardous route in a southwesterly direction through the uncharted wilderness. For some two or three days the Is'ra-el-ites moved along in an uncertain course. Fully organized into five great groups arranged according to families and tribes, but without any definite idea as to where they were going, they reached the shores of an arm of the Red Sea. They were in the midst of a broken, mountainous desert, facing the Sea at a point where it was several miles wide and much too deep to be forded. They did not know where they were going, but the LORD had guided them by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Story 40: Is'ra-el Freed By The Final Plague Upon E'gypt lll

   Mo'ses also instructed the elders of Is'ra-el to establish an annual feast to be observed by all future generations as a memorial of the wonderful deliverance from E'gypt. The feast was to be called "Pass'o-ver," and we shall learn more about it in other stories.
   Mo'ses had not told Pha'raoh just when the last dreadful plague was to strike the land of E'gypt, but had merely said that it would come at midnight. Days had passed since his last warning to the wicked king, so before long Pha'raoh began to think that the terrible hour would not come. Soon all E'gypt began to feel safe; weeks went by, and still there was no sign from Heaven.
   Then, on the night of the 14th of the month called Ni'san, a sudden cry of anguish filled the land at midnight. The Angel of death swept over the land, smiting every family of E'gypt. The words which Mo'ses had spoken to Pha'raoh had now all come true, for not a single home escaped.
               "Twas dark-that dreary witching hour of night,
               When restless spirits stole in mortal sight,
               And grim spectres stalked their dreary round."
   The whole land rose up in one mighty shout for the deliverance of Is'ra-el at once, for the people feared still greater calamities if Pha'raoh still defied the LORD. So Pha'raoh sent for Mo'ses and Aa'ron, and in the darkness of this night of grief told them to take all the Is'ra-el-ites out of the land at once. With the Is'ra-el-ites went their wives and children, their flocks and herds and all other possessions, and Pha'raoh advised the E'gyp-tians to supply them with whatever they might need for the journey.
   Under the direction of Mo'ses the Is'ra-el-ites had been thoroughly organized by families and by tribes. Six hundred thousand men capable of bearing arms marched out of the land, and with the old men, women, and children, the number reached to nearly three million. The children of Is'ra-el carried with them enormous quantities of food and worldly goods, treasures of gold, silver, and jewels, and drove before them great flocks of sheep and herds of cattle.
   At last the children of Is'ra-el were free from the land of bondage, released by order of the king after ten successive plagues had crushed his proud, hard-hearted spirit. From the seventy souls which had migrated to this land two hundred and fifteen years before, there had now sprung up a mighty host of nearly three million. They were now strong in numbers, skilled in the arts and science of civilization, and increased in wisdom and experience to the point where they could safely begin their national history as the chosen people of God.
   Although forty years of hardship took place before they finally settled in the land of Ca'naan, they were free at last from E'gypt, never to return. Long years of discipline and vital instruction from the LORD lay ahead before they would be fully prepared to set up all the national institutions of a great people, but they were on their way.
               "Already she is on her august way,
               And marching to her final goal."

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Story 40: Is'ra-el Freed By The Final Plague Upon E'gypt ll

   Mo'ses was given full directions by The LORD concerning the things to be done by the people in this crisis. Careful instructions were given for the preparations to be made for their departure, and the plan and conditions necessary for their deliverance from the death plague soon to sweep over the land were fully outlined.
   During the course of the nine plagues sent upon E'gypt, and during the increased hardships which Pha'raoh forced upon the Is'ra-el-ites, a great many of the E'gyp-tians had lost sympathy with the king to a large extent, and some of them had begun to look with favor upon the Is'ra-el-ites. The special care which God had shown for Is'ra-el convinced many of the people that the He'brews were a chosen race, and Mo'ses had become a great religious hero in the eyes of many. The E'gyp-tians had also grown weary of their own sufferings brought on by the stubborn conduct of the king, and there was great indignation over his continued persecution of the people whom he hated to his own ruin.
   Partly from sympathy for the oppressed He'brews, and partly in the hope of winning their favor and that of their God, the E'gyp-tians brought them many valuable presents. They brought them gold and silver and jewels, and all manner of other precious things. God's favor was now upon Is'ra-el in a most remarkable manner, while a stream of grace from Heaven flowed through the land:
               "It did through wild and
                  rock-bound valleys run,
               like glittering dew drops
                  in the morning sun."
   Mo'ses and Aa'ron then went among the children of Is'ra-el in the land of Go'shen and told them what to do to escape the plague of death. Every household was to take a lamb, less than one year old and without blemish; after keeping it in the house for four days they were to kill it, and then to sprinkle the blood upon the upper door posts. This was to be a sacrificial offering to God, and for this reason the lamb to be offered must not be lame or blind or sick, or imperfect in any way.
   Just as the Angel of death would strike every home in E'gypt at the same hour, so every family of Is'ra-el was to offer the sacrificial lamb at the same hour. The blood was to be sprinkled upon the door pasts with a spray of hyssop (a lovely herb which grew in rocky places) as a sign of faith and humility. When the Angel of death saw the blood upon the door posts of a home, he would pass over that house, thus sparing a family the life of its firstborn.
   The Pass'o-ver lamb was to be eaten with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, tokens of the bitterness from which Is'ra-el was to be redeemed, and of the sincerity of their faith and obedience. In preparing for their departure from E'gypt their hearts must be pure and upright, in perfect harmony with the law of God.
   In eating the flesh of the Pass'o-ver lamb the Is'ra-el-ites were to be fully dressed and ready for a hasty flight. They were required to wear clothing strong enough for hard work and travel in the wilderness, to wear stout shoes or sandals, and to hold in their hands the staff which they used for guiding their flocks and herds. All their belongings were to be packed and ready for quick removal, and the sheep and cattle were to be gathered so that they could be driven away at once on the journey out of E'gypt.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Story 40: Is'ra-el Freed By The Final Plague Upon E'gypt l

   After Pha'raoh had made his threat against the life of Mo'ses, the prophet of God lingered for a short time with the king in order to tell him what course the LORD would now follow. During these tragic moments in the presence of the great king, The LORD spoke secretly to Mo'ses. He said that this was to be the last meeting between Pha'raoh and Mo'ses, and that He would visit the land with a final plague which would force the cruel king to let the Is'ra-el-ites leave his country.
   Mo'ses said to Pha'raoh: "The LORD'S mercy has now reached its limit. For weeks and months He has been patient, showing mercy time after time. True, He has brought calamities of increasing severity upon the land, but has offered to show mercy whenever you obey His command and let Is'ra-el depart. While His patience with you has been exhausted, He still has further means of punishment. There shall be one more curse sent upon the land which shall bring you to your knees. About midnight, within a few days, the LORD will send the Angel of death throughout the land of E'gypt, and the oldest child in every home shall suddenly die; there shall also be taken the oldest of all the cattle and sheep and other animals still left from previous plagues."
   The last plague upon E'gypt was to be so terrible that not even the hard-hearted Pha'raoh could fail to be moved by it. Without being ill, the oldest child in every family and in every home was to be taken by death. The Pha'raohs of E'gypt had slain the male children of Is'ra-el during a long period of persecution, and now the LORD was to cause the death of the firstborn in every E'gyp-tian home. This fatal blow was to reach every family, the highest as well as the lowest. The royal prince who expected to take Pha'raoh's place upon the throne was doomed to sudden death, and the oldest child in the home of the lowest peasant was to suffer the same fate. From the palace to the dungeon, from the splendid home of the rich to the tent of the poorest of the land-through every family in E'gypt this plague was to travel; and at the stroke of midnight all through the land death would come to every firstborn child.
   Mo'ses then went on to say to Pha'raoh , "But against the children of Is'ra-el shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast; that ye may know that the LORD doth put a difference between the E'gyp-tians and Is'ra-el." God's chosen people were to be sheltered by the protecting wings of the Great God of Heaven and of earth. The pestilence which was to walk through the darkness of the night should not come near them. While the oldest child of the wicked lay still in death, all the children of the good would be unharmed. At the time when the lamentations of the E'gyp-tians were rending the midnight air of the whole country, the hearts of the righteous would be filled with peace, hope, and joy.
   But Pha'raoh remained stubborn and unrelenting, and Mo'ses left him to carry out the instructions of God in preparing all Is'ra-el for the great tragedy that was to befall the E'gyp-tians, and for the birth of an Is'ra-el-ite nation. The children of Is'ra-el had been spared from the nine previous calamities inflicted upon the people of E'gypt, but there were certain Divine instructions which they must carefully follow if they were to escape this final plague. Is'ra-el was facing an extremely important crisis, a supreme moment in the history of their formation as a free, united people, and great issues depended upon the promptness and wisdom with which they obeyed the LORD'S command.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Story 39: Divine Reasons For The Plagues Of E'gypt: The Land Infested With Locusts, And With A Great Darkness lll

   Once again Pha'raoh was smitten with terror, and once again he pretended deep repentance. This time he called for Mo'ses and said to him: "I have sinned against the LORD your God, and against you. Forgive, I pray thee, my sin only this once; and entreat the LORD that He will take away from me this death." Again it was a desire to have the punishment removed, rather than sincere regret for his sins, which caused Pha'raoh to ask for mercy. He asked for pardon, but not for purity, and the one cannot be had from God without the other.
   Mo'ses went out from the presence of Pha'raoh, and prayed unto the LORD. At once a mighty wind swept the locusts from the land, but Pha'raoh hardened his heart once again, and refused to let the Is'ra-el-ites go. Then, without any further warning, the LORD sent upon E'gypt a season of intense darkness covering the whole land. It was so dark that the E'gyp-tians could not see one another, nor could they even leave their homes.
   This plague struck at the very heart of E'gyp-tian idolatry, for they worshiped the sun under the name of Osiris. To have the chief of their gods fail them was a curse which filled the hearts of the E'gyp-tians with terror. We are not told what natural forces were used in performing this miracle, but we do know that there was light in the houses of the Is'ra-el-ites in the land of Go'shen. They did not have to sit in darkness, as did the E'gyp-tians, but were free to come and go and as they chose.
   How alarming and unbearable must have been those three days of dense and perpetual darkness! The tradition of the Jews that the devil and his angels were given a wider range and greater liberty for working mischief than usual during those three dreadful days is probably true. "God cast upon them the fierceness of His anger: Wrath, and indignation, and trouble; A band of angels of evil."
   In spite of the stern judgments brought upon him, Pha'raoh would not give in to the LORD'S will. He continued to defy the servants of God, and sought again to make a compromise that would enable him to keep the wealth brought to him by the enslaved He'brews. Calling for Mo'ses, he told him that all the Is'ra-el-ites might go into the wilderness to worship, provided that they did not go very far, and that they should leave all their herds and flocks in E'gypt. By keeping the property of the He'brews, who had not suffered any loss during the plagues, there would be a supply of food for the hungry E'gyp-tians, and the Is'ra-el-ites would finally have to return to their bondage.
   But this selfish offer was rejected as promptly as all others made by Pha'raoh. The king became angry, and drove Mo'ses from his presence with the threat that if he ever saw his face again he would have him slain. Mo'ses then went among the people of God to prepare for their departure from E'gypt following the plague that was soon to come.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Story 39: Divine Reasons For The Plagues Of E'gypt: The Land Infested With Locusts, And With A Great Darkness ll

   In the message to be delivered to Pha'raoh this time, the LORD set forth His purpose in visiting the land of E'gypt with such terrible proof of His Supreme Power. He wished to make clear to the king and to all future generations that the power of God rules all the elements of nature. The rivers, the dust of the ground, the atmosphere, the thunder and lightning and hail, the waters of the earth, and the fire had all served His Supreme Power in the previous plagues.
   The LORD God of Heaven intended also to prove to Pha'raoh and all succeeding generations that He was able to overcome sa'tan and all his agencies in the world. The magicians were the cunning instruments of the devil in E'gypt, but they had been completely thwarted by the plagues inflicted upon Pha'raoh and his people. God is able to deliver man from the power of sa'tan, overcome his evil designs in the world, and destroy all his wicked works.
   A further purpose of God in these continued plagues was to show His Power, over all false religions and heathen worship in this great nation. The E'gyp-tians believed that the Nile was the birthplace of gods, but from this river had come the plague of water turnt into blood, and the frogs which had infested the land. To the E'gyp-tians the frog was a sacred object of worship, but now the ugly creatures had plagued the entire country. Many domestic animals had been worshiped by the E'gyp-tians, but now they had been suddenly destroyed by a great plague.
   Having explained the purposes of God in sending the plagues, Mo'ses then told Pha'raoh that unless he released the Is'ra-el-ites at once the LORD would send a mighty army of locusts to devour every herb and plant left from the previous plagues. Some of the servants of the king were now fully convinced of the Supreme Power of God, and the authority of His servants, Mo'ses and Aa'ron, so they advised the king to let the Is'ra-el-ites depart.
   Pha'raoh then proposed to Mo'ses that the men of the He'brews go out into the wilderness to worship as requested, but that the women and children be left behind in E'gypt. Mo'ses fearlessly refused to accept this condition, and told Pha'raoh that unless he permitted the He'brews to leave the land with their wives and children and servants, and with all their flocks and herds, he must suffer again for disobedience to the known will of God.
   Upon the refusal of Pha'raoh to grant this request, Mo'ses waved his hand over the land of E'gypt. The whole country was suddenly overrun with great hordes of locusts, which swept before them all the plants and trees which had escaped the plague of hail. The locusts had always been dreaded by the E'gyp-tians, and in this plague they came upon the land in countless numbers. The wheat and rye was just budding forth when the hail and rain swept over the land, and was, therefore, not destroyed. But in the plague of locusts these two important sources of food for the people were completely ruined, and the whole country became a barren, desolate plain.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Story 39: Divine Reasons For The Plagues Of E'gypt: The Land Infested With Locusts, And With A Great Darkness l

   The LORD knew that Pha'raoh was not speaking the truth when he promised to let the Is'ra-el-ites go, but He told Mo'ses to deal kindly with any acts which seemed to show repentance on the part of the king. He had already shown great mercy and forgiveness toward Pha'raoh, and did not let him pay the penalty for his evil ways until the last possible offer of mercy had been scorned.
   The soul of man is so constituted that the continued rejection of the mercies of God leaves it less ready to yield to them. The abuse of Divine Grace has a hardening effect upon man's moral nature. Pha'raoh had paid no attention to repeated offers of mercy, and had not learnt wisdom from continued acts of Divine Justice. But he was not yet wholly forsaken by God, and still further opportunities were given him to prove that his repentance was genuine.
   Mo'ses and Aa'ron had called upon Him before and after each plague, and He had shown mercy toward him whenever it was asked. Under the influence of these repeated acts of grace the heart of the king must either melt into genuine repentance or harden into an even more obstinate state. To say that God hardened Pha'raoh's heart means only that the LORD continued to test the king until it was clear that he definitely preferred the ways of evil to those of good. The Lord did not force Pha'raoh to choose either course, He merely left him in freedom to follow the desires of his own heart
               "Till, like a frozen mass, his heart was chilled,
               Its upward movement stayed, and conscience stilled."
   Mo'ses was generous and forbearing toward the wicked king in his confessions of guilt, in his acknowledgment of the righteousness of God, and in his request for pardon. Nevertheless, Mo'ses reminded the king that he had little confidence in the truth of his words, and fearlessly told him that his repentance was not real. He promised, however, to ask the LORD to put an end to the rain and hail and lightning. Mo'ses then went outside the city, raised his hands toward Heaven in a prayer to God, and the terrible storm ceased at once.
   Once again Pha'raoh failed to keep his promise. He took back his permission for the Is'ra-el-ites to leave E'gypt, and turnt against the LORD as wickedly as before.
   Now that the seventh plague had failed to produce any real change in the attitude of Pha'raoh toward the requests of Mo'ses and Aa'ron, the LORD sent his servants to deliver a strong message to the king, and to announce that a much greater plague was coming.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Story 38: Pha'raoh's Obstinacy Punished By More Severe Plagues: Cattle Die, Boils Break Out, And Terrible Storms lll

   On the day following this warning by Mo'ses, he and Aa'ron stretched forth their hands toward the Heavens in prayer. Then Mo'ses raised up his staff, and from the Heavens there poured down upon the land the terrible wrath of an avenging God. The same Heavens which had sent a destroying flood upon the world in the time of No'ah, and had rained fire upon the wicked cities of Sod'om and Go-mor'rah, now poured out great streams of both upon the land of E'gypt. It was a terrific, awesome sight, with hail and water and fire all pouring forth from the clouds above.
   The E'gyp-tians were especially terrified by the sight, for in that country rain was almost unknown, and what few thunderstorms there were seldom did harm. Fire was regarded as a god, and was worshiped in many heathen ways. The plague was miraculous in every respect, and called the E'gyp-tians to repentance with the voice of God,
   This plague was especially harmful to the wealth and commerce of the country. The gardens which yielded vast supplies of fruits and flowers, and upon which the E'gyp-tians  bestowed such great care, were swept into ruin. Dates, grapes, and pomegranates; olives, figs, and various kinds of melons,-all the pride and support of the land-were completely destroyed. The barley crop, which was now ready for harvest, and the fine fields of flax, were smitten and ruined. E'gypt's commerce in grains and flax, which was the principal source of her wealth, was now wrecked, and her manufacture of fine linens was stopped.
   As floods of hail and fire and rain poured out upon the land, as thunder roared through the Heavens and lightning flashed a trail of death through the country, Pha'raoh was stricken with terror. He sent for Mo'ses and Aa'ron, and said to them: "I have sinned this time: the LORD is righteous, and I and my people are wicked. Entreat the LORD, for it is enough, that there be no more mighty thunderings and hail; and I will let you go, and ye shall stay no longer." This was a noble confession and plea, if only it had been sincere. Had Pha'raoh spoken the truth in these words it would have meant that his pride, stubbornness, contempt for God were all gone. The wicked king, however, was more concerned with removing the calamities which his sins had brought upon the land than he was with the welfare of his soul, and with the pardon of his sins.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Story 38: Pha'raoh's Obstinacy Punished By More Severe Plagues: Cattle Die, Boils Break Out, And Terrible Storms ll

   Then the LORD directed Mo'ses and Aa'ron to take up ashes from the furnace, and to cast them into the Heavens. As the ashes floated toward the ground a plague of boils began to afflict all the people of E'gypt, including the king. Even the magicians were so afflicted by the plague that they were unable to stand before the king.
   The sixth plague upon the E'gyp-tians threatened all human life. It caused great sores and intense suffering, often resulting in death. It was by far the worst pestilence so far visited upon the people of E'gypt. It was also brought on in a manner designed to show the purpose of God in all the plagues. For years the Is'ra-el-ites had been forced to labor in the brick-kilns under the unbearable heat of the furnaces; when Mo'ses brought on this plague, the ashes of these very furnaces became a sign and promise of the affliction to smite the cruel E'gyp-tians. The very workshops in which the He'brews slaves toiled in preparing materials for the great temples of E'gypt became the source of ruin for the slave-masters.
   No one in the land, except the Is'ra-el-ites in Go'shen, was spared from the terrible scourge of boils. But still the heart of Pha'raoh remained proud and unyielding, and he became more obstinate and willful than ever in his rejection of God. His pride was not yet humbled, nor his cruel spirit conquered; he still refused to grant the request of Mo'ses and Aa'ron.
   After the sixth plague had failed to move Pha'raoh to repentance, the LORD sent Mo'ses with another message for the king. This time Mo'ses reminded him that all these judgments had come from God, that they had followed in quick succession, and that the king had sealed his own doom by repeated failure to obey the clear command of God. During these punishments there had been many opportunities for the king to repent, and to let the children of Is'ra-el go, but he had only hardened his heart the more. The LORD was, therefore, about to bring such great afflictions upon the people of E'gypt that they would have no other choice than to free the He'brews.
   The seventh plague was announced to Pha'raoh as a destructive hailstorm covering the whole land. So terrible was the storm to be that it would bring violent death to any animals which had escaped the disease  of a previous plague, and to any human beings who might be caught in it. Under its terrific force all vegetation would be destroyed, and the trees of both orchard and forest would be stripped of their branches.
   But in this threatened destruction a special offer of mercy was made to any E'gyp-tians who had become convinced of the avenging power of God. Mo'ses told Pha'raoh to send warning of the approaching hailstorm to all workmen in the fields, and to other servants whose duties might expose them to the storm. This request was made so that all who believed in God might take shelter in their homes.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Story 38: Pha'raoh's Obstinacy Punished By More Severe Plagues: Cattle Die, Boils Break Out, And Terrible Storms l

   It was the duty of the king of E'gypt to give the children of Is'ra-el complete freedom, but he treated this solemn obligation with increasing contempt. Mo'ses and Aa'ron had shown themselves to be very generous, and had proved beyond question that they were servants of God, but still he scorned them. Four plagues had visited the land, each one more severe than any other calamity which had ever befallen E'gypt, but the king remained obstinate and insolent toward God.
   The solemn promises to let Is'ra-el go were forgotten as soon as God removed the afflictions. During the fear and suffering brought on by each plague Pha'raoh pretended deep repentance for his sins, but when the danger seemed past, committed even greater sins. The righteous judgments of God had forced Pha'raoh to acknowledge His Supremacy, but when these judgments were lifted, he became more defiant than ever.
   God's Mercy was abused by Pha'raoh; instead of leading him to repentance, it seemed only to make him worse. When the rod of justice ceased to strike, he rebelled again. As soon as one voice of Divine Judgment was stilled, he seemed to think that there would be no others.
   But the LORD God of Heaven continued His appeals and warnings, and made it clear to Pha'raoh that he was trifling with Divine Justice. The wrath of God could not be halted by false promises and pretended repentance. Mo'ses was directed by the LORD to appear again before Pha'raoh, and this time he was to tell the king that an even worse plague would come if he still refused to let Is'ra-el go into the wilderness to worship their God. The next calamity to be sent by God would strike the domestic animals of the E'gyp-tians, bringing death to thousands of cattle, sheep, horses, and camels.
   On the day after Mo'ses had spoken to Pha'raoh a deadly disease fell upon all the animals of the E'gyp-tians, and in one day they were dead. The whole land became one gruesome plain covered with the dead bodies of animals. Thousands of oxen, which were regarded as sacred by the E'gyp-tians, lay lifeless upon the ground; the horses, asses, and camels which were used for transportation were also dead, as were the sheep and cattle which provided the E'gyp-tians with food. Surely such terrible calamities would bring the stubborn king to his knees!
   This plague, however, had only the effect of hardening Pha'raoh's heart all the more. He made a special visit to the land of Go'shen, where the Is'ra-el-ites lived, and found that none of their live-stock had been harmed by the plague. It angered him greatly to find that the despised He'brews had not been touched by the judgment which had cost him so much, and he became more determined than ever not to yield to the command of God.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Story 37: E'gypt Plagued By Rivers Of Blood, Hordes Of Frogs, Myriads Of Lice, and Swarms Of Flies lll

   After Pha'raoh had refused to take the advice of his magicians concerning the plague of lice, the LORD directed Mo'ses to tell the king that a further refusal would be punished by a great plague of flies. The proud king still refused to heed the warnings of Mo'ses and Aa'ron, and the whole land swarmed with insects whose sharp bites caused bitter suffering.
   These four plagues were increasingly severe; each one worse than the one that had come before. With his house swarming with these insects, and his own body and those of his servants bitten all over by them, Pha'raoh could endure the torture no longer. He called for Mo'ses and Aa'ron, and offered a partial agreement to their request. They were told that the children of Is'ra-el might sacrifice unto their God, provided they would do so in E'gypt.
   This offer was promptly declined by Mo'ses, for it was no time to make a compromise. He explained to Pha'raoh that if the Is'ra-el-ites made their sacrifices according to their own customs the E'gyp-tians would be offended, and would think it their duty to punish the Is'ra-el-ites for killing animals which they regarded as sacred. God's claims upon Is'ra-el were Supreme, and as obedient and loyal children, they could not accept any policy which would compromise His honor, or the dignity of the services to be rendered.
   Pha'raoh probably offered to Mo'ses the use of the magnificent temples of E'gypt for the worship which the Is'ra-el-ites wished to render unto their God. The use of these buildings, however, which were dedicated to false gods, would have been a compromise with idolatry. Mo'ses preferred to go out into the wilderness to find a place where Is'ra-el could worship the LORD in the manner which He had ordered.
   Then Pha'raoh said, "Very well, if you will only entreat the LORD that these troublesome flies be removed from the land, then you may take Is'ra-el a little way into the wilderness for worship; but do not go very far." Mo'ses prayed to the LORD, and the flies were removed, every one of them. Once again Pha'raoh's repentance was false, and as soon as the flies had been removed, he gave orders that the children of Is'ra-el should not be permitted to leave the land. He had repeatedly hardened his heart, and rejected God's will, until it was now impossible for him to yield.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Story 37: E'gypt Plagued By Rivers Of Blood, Hordes Of Frogs, Myriads Of Lice, And Swarms Of Flies ll

   Mo'ses again directed Aa'ron to wave his staff, and suddenly great numbers of frogs came out of the waters of the land and infested the whole country. The houses of the people and the palace of the king were soon made loathsome by these slimy, croaking creatures. There was no way to escape or resist these afflictive and pestilent "marsh-leapers."
   Pha'raoh had been contemptuous and unrepentant under the first plague; the sign of God's power in the torrents of blood which flowed throughout the land seems to have left him unmoved. But now that his own home was made miserable by the frogs, which infested even his bedchamber and dining room, his stubborn resolution began to weaken. He had no way of protecting himself from these contemptible creatures; they were more numerous and irresistible than any army of soldiers invading the land of E'gypt. His pride was humbled, and he was forced to give in before the army of pests sent by the LORD. He sent for Mo'ses, and asked his aid in freeing the country from the ugly creatures which seemed to have taken possession of it. Mo'ses asked when the king wished him to intercede with God to remove the frogs, and was told to make his prayer on the following day. The prayer of Mo'ses was granted at once; all the frogs died, and had to be piled up in great heaps all over the land.
   The apparent repentance of Pha'raoh was short-lived and deceitful. He had promised that if the plague of frogs was removed he would let the children of Is'ra-el go out into the wilderness to worship God in their own way. As soon as all the frogs were dead, however, Pha'raoh took back his promise, and refused to let the Is'ra-el-ites go out into the wilderness.
   A third plague came upon the land without any warning whatsoever. Mo'ses told Aa'ron to wave his rod over the dust of the earth, and the whole land became infested with lice. They covered both man and beast, and the very dust of the ground became a bed for these annoying insects. The magicians of E'gypt tried to do the same, but were unable to turn the dust of the ground into lice. They then told the king that the miracle just performed by Mo'ses and Aa'ron must have been caused by the finger of God, but Pha'raoh would not take the advice of his own servants.
   It is not quite clear whether these three plagues also affected the Is'ra-el-ites in the land of Go'shen, but we are plainly told that they were spared from the plagues which followed. This was an exception to the usual method of Divine Providence in dealing with the world, for as a rule both good and evil persons suffer alike in the calamities of nature. All people are subject to the laws by which the LORD instructs His children, and good conduct does not always save one from a part in the judgments which fall at times upon the world.
   The punishments which the LORD permits are intended to turn sinners into saints, and to transform saints into even more Heavenly beings. It is true, however, that good character often shields one from misfortune, and that those who love the LORD are saved from the trials which come to those who are too proud to call upon His name. In the further plagues upon E'gypt God showed the wicked king He was able to protect His own people, and that the sufferings brought upon Pha'raoh and his country for refusing to let the children of Is'ra-el go out into the wilderness should not afflict the He'brews.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Story 37: E'gypt Plagued By Rivers Of Blood, Hordes of Frogs, Myriads Of Lice, And Swarms Of Flies l

   The LORD then told Mo'ses to go out and meet Pha'raoh as he was walking near the river Nile, and to perform a miracle by which the river would become a raging torrent of blood. Mo'ses and Aa'ron  had presented the message of God to Pha'raoh, but failed to gain his consent by any appeals to his pity or sense of justice; the time had now come when the stubborn king must be punished.
   Going down to the river Nile at a place where he could be seen by Pha'raoh, Aa'ron waved his staff over the waters, and it was suddenly turnt into blood. Before the king's very eyes the great river which was the pride of all E'gypt, the source of great wealth and prosperity, and the object of superstitious reverence as the birthplace of the gods of E'gypt, was suddenly transformed into a stream of blood.
   On the banks of the river were splendid crops of wheat and barley, and groves of sycamore and palm trees cast their welcome shade over many beautiful parks and paths. The richly scented flowers of the sacred lotus floated on the surface of the river. The waters abounded in fish, some of them valued highly for food, while others were regarded with superstitious fear or wonder. The waters of the Nile were considered safe for drinking, and were widely used for domestic purposes.
   What a terrible blow it was to have these waters instantly changed into a disgusting stream of blood! The fish died, and soon an unbearable odor rose from the river. At the same time the waters of the canals and lakes throughout the country were also turnt into blood. For seven days this terrible condition prevailed. Wherever the people turnt in search of water their eyes fell upon blood, nothing but blood. Surely they must have felt that the God of Is'ra-el had power!
   The blighting of this great river was also a terrible blow to the industry and commerce of the country. The Nile was the chief strength of E'gypt's trade, and it would be impossible to carry on commerce in a river which was now filled with blood. The nation which had grown wealthy from the forced labor of its thousands of slaves was now at the point of ruin because its great river was unfit for use. And yet, desperate as the people were, the king refused to help them by yielding to the will of God.
   The LORD then directed Mo'ses to appear before Pha'raoh the third time, and to say to him, "If you still refuse to submit to God, then He will smite all your territory with frogs." The wicked king gave no heed to this warning, possibly because his magicians had been able to perform a trick in which water was apparently turnt into blood.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Story 36: Mo'ses Begins The Work Of Delivering Is'ra-el From E'gypt lll

   After strengthening His servant against the discouragements which had almost broken his spirit, and assuring him of His presence and power in the long road ahead, the LORD then told Mo'ses to appear before Pha'raoh again. On this appearance Mo'ses was instructed by the LORD to show that Divine Power was aiding him. Mo'ses therefore, told Aa'ron to cast down his staff before Pha'raoh, and the staff was turnt into a serpent; when Aa'ron picked it up again, however, it was changed back into a staff.
   Pha'raoh then called upon his sorcerers and magicians to imitate what Aa'ron had done. The sorcerers and magicians were men who practiced artful tricks of magic in the name of religion. They were able to give the appearance of turning a staff into a serpent, perhaps by concealing snakes which they had tamed in their clothes, and then releasing them by some sleight of hand trick. But the serpent formed by Aa'ron's staff ran after the E'gyp-tian snakes, and ate them all up.
   This miracle should have convinced Pha'raoh that Mo'ses and Aa'ron were truly messengers from God, and that they spoke with Divine Authority, but his skeptical mind refused to yield. He rejected the message from God, denied the request of Mo'ses and Aa'ron that Is'ra-el be allowed to go three days journey into the wilderness to worship their God. His effort
               "To steal the livery of the court of Heaven
               To serve the devil in"
had failed, but his proud, stubborn spirit would not give into God. The plagues which followed were brought upon Pha'raoh and the E'gyp-tians because the king would not yield to the reasonable request of Mo'ses and Aa'ron. We shall learn of the plagues in stories which follow.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Story 36: Mo'ses Begins The Work Of Delivering Is'ra-el From E'gypt ll

   Mo'ses and Aa'ron were overwhelmed with discouragement, and complained to the LORD because of their failure in the first approach to Pha'raoh, and because of his cruel treatment of their brethren. They had been sent by the LORD, and expected immediate success; when these hopes were disappointing, they felt that it was useless to carry on their work. In the hour of bitter sorrow, however, the LORD renewed with them the Promise and Covenant which He had made with A'bra-ham, I'saac, and Ja'cob. He told them plainly that Pha'raoh would finally be forced to let the children of Is'ra-el go in freedom by the judgments brought upon him and his people. To His faithful servants the LORD said:
               "Watch, though so long be the twilight delaying,
               Let the first sunbeam arise on thee praying;
               Fear not, for greater is God by thy side,
               Than armies of satan against thee allied."
   God told Mo'ses that the apparent failure to his first attempt to persuade Pha'raoh to let the people go did not mean that his entire mission would fail. The LORD was simply waiting for the best possible time to show His power over the wicked king, and to visit the E'gyp-tians with such terrible judgments that they would be glad to let the children of Is'ra-el return to the land promised to their fathers.
   Although Mo'ses had been chosen by the LORD to lead Is'ra-el from E'gypt to the Promised Land, he knew nothing of the secret plans of God, nor the length of time that was to pass before the departure from E'gypt. He expected the LORD to perform some miracle by which Pha'raoh would consent at once to the freedom which the children of Is'ra-el desired. Instead of this prompt deliverance, however, there was a trying period of many months of sorrow and disappointment before Mo'ses was given the honor of leading the Is'ra-el-ites on the journey to Ca'naan. The LORD sought to build up the faith of His noble servant, and to prepare him for all the trials which lay ahead. The leader of the children of Is'ra-el must be made fearless in carrying out his duty, but must also be taught to trust only in the LORD.
   Mo'ses knew that Pha'raoh was one of the most powerful kings upon earth, but he was soon to learn that the LORD is mightier than any earthly king. He knew that Is'ra-el was weak, but soon he was to learn that their strength was in God. All the trials and problems of his task were safely placed in the Hands of God, to whom he must look for victory.
               "For who that leans on His right arm
                  Was ever yet forsaken?
               What righteous cause can suffer harm
                  If He its part has taken."
   The LORD said to Mo'ses, "I will make thee a god before Pha'raoh, and Aa'ron shall be thy prophet." By this He meant that Mo'ses was to be God's messenger to the wicked king, to show the E'gyp-tians  how their cruel treatment of the Is'ra-el-ites was to be punished by the God of Is'ra-el and to release all the powers of God against Pha'raoh until the proud king was willing to let the Is'ra-el-ites leave his country.