Monday, August 29, 2016

Story 51: The Journey Of Is'ra-el From Si'nai To Ka'desh-Bar'ne-a lll

   As a result of his humiliation in the punishment of Mir'i-am, Aa'ron humbly confessed to Mo'ses his sin and that of their sister, admitted that they had acted foolishly, and begged his brother to pray for the healing of Mir'i-am. He cried, "Let her not be as one dead," for leprosy is nothing short of a living death in its torturing pain and corrupting power over the body. No persons who were afflicted with this terrible disease were allowed to go near the House of God.
   The gracious, forgiving spirit of Mo'ses was then revealed in his earnest prayer to God for the healing of his sister. Instead of resentment in his heart, there was forgiveness and mercy. His prayer was earnest and persistent, and was answered immediately, but seven days passed before Mir'i-am was completely healed. This was done to give her sufficient time to meditate upon her sin, and for the instruction of Aa'ron and all Is'ra-el. What wonders are wrought through fervent prayer!
   Having been unduly delayed at Ha-ze'roth by the plot of Mir'i-am and Aa'ron, and the punishment inflicted upon them by the LORD, the Is'ra-el-ites then journeyed to Ka'desh-Bar'ne-a, on the southwest borders of the land of Ca'naan. They were now within sight of the Promised Land, and the reasons for their failure to enter the Divinely promised heritage at once will be related in our next story.