Thursday, September 29, 2016

Story 57: Events During The Last Days Of Mo'ses lll

   The numerical strength of each tribe as revealed in this census was made the basis for allotting the land of Ca'naan. Mo'ses, knowing that he would not be permitted to cross the Jor'dan and take part in the conquest of Ca'naan, gave full instructions concerning these allotments, and they were later carried out by his successor, Josh'u-a.
   There were many other matters of importance to which Mo'ses gave his attention before he ascended Mount Ne'bo for his departure to Heaven. Rules were given for the several feasts which were to be observed by Is'ra-el in their national life. Further instructions concerning the duties of the priests and Le'vites were given, and new provisions were made for their support. The system of tithing was confirmed and carefully outlined. The laws of sacrificial offerings were repeated and made more complete. Mo'ses prepared for future generations a complete account of the journeys of Is'ra-el from E'gypt to Ca'naan, and of the various places where they had encamped. Directions were given for the assignment of certain cities to the Le'vites, and others were set aside as Cities of Refuge.
   Mo'ses made a series of speeches in which he recounted all the laws which God had given him, calling special attention to the moral and religious codes. These addresses make up the greater part of the Book of Deu-ter-on'o-my.
   In these long speeches Mo'ses reviewed the goodness and mercies of God toward His chosen people, and reminded Is'ra-el of her Divinely chosen place among the nations of the world as the recipient of God's special revelations. He not only urged the necessity of perfect obedience to the Laws of God, but also stressed the solemn duty of faithfully teaching them to their children.
   In many respects the book in which these addresses are recorded is superior to all the other writings of Mo'ses, for it is a summary of the entire Law of God as given to Is'ra-el by Divine Inspiration. The four addresses of Mo'ses are the words of a dying father to his children, inspired of God, earnest, and impressive.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Story 57: Events During The Last Days Of Mo'ses ll

   The Reu'ben-ites and Ga'di-tes then changed their proposal. They offered to leave their women and children, and their flocks and herds, on the east side of the Jor'dan while the men crossed over to help the ten other tribes in the conquest of Ca'naan. They would then return and take up their allotment on these lands.
   In their new proposal these two tribes agreed to share in the hardships and dangers involved in conquering the entire land of Ca'naan, and they gave up all claim upon any lands west of the Jor'dan. Mo'ses accepted this offer, praised them for acting righteously, and warned them against any unfaithfulness in carrying out the agreement.
   Lying to the north of the territory requested by the tribes of Reu'ben and Gad was a rugged, mountainous district known as Gil'e-ad. It was not adapted to stock-raising, so would be of no use to people who had large flocks and herds. Mo'ses directed that this region be given to half of the tribe of Ma-nas'seh, descendants of one of the sons of Jo'seph. The leaders of this tribe were noted for bravery and success in war. They had defeated the strong heathen tribe known as the Am'o-rites, and had overcome scores of heavily fortified towns. Gil'e-ad was a frontier district, and would be the natural course of attack upon Is'ra-el by countries of the northeast in later years. For these reasons it was important that this region be held by a strong, courageous tribe.
   As mentioned in a previous story, the third census of Is'ra-el during the forty years between their departure from E'gypt and their final occupation of Ca'naan was taken during the encampment at A'bel-Shit'tim. Thousands of Is'ra-el-ites had died since the census which had been taken just before they left Si'nai. Some had been slain in wars, some had perished from plagues sent upon them for acts of disobedience, some from the bite of the fiery serpents, and many from natural causes. Within the entire camp there were only three men above sixty years of age. Of all the men who were twenty years or more of age when they left E'gypt, the only ones now living were Mo'ses, Josh'u-a, and Ca'leb. All the others had perished because of their refusal to enter at once into the Promised Land, as commanded by the LORD, when they were at Ka'desh-Bar'ne-a thirty-nine years prior to this last census.
   In the last enumeration of Is'ra-el before entering Ca'naan it was found that some of the tribes had grown in numbers during the thirty-eight years of wandering in the wilderness, while others had decreased. The total number of men above twenty years and able to bear arms was 601,730, slightly less than at the last census. This number did not include the men of the tribe of Le'vi, as they were consecrated to special services in the Tabernacle.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Story 57: Events During The Last Days Of Mo'ses l

   During the months of Is'ra-el's encampment on the plains of Mo'ab, at a place called A'bel-Shit'tim, many of the people attended a festival in which the false god called Ba'al-pe'or was worshipped in rites of an immoral nature. The Is'ra-el-ites had come to the festival at the invitation of the women of Mo'ab and Mid'i-an, but they should not have remained in a place where idol-worship was practiced. They were guilty of forsaking the True God, and of joining the heathen in acts which they knew were wrong.
   The LORD punished Is'ra-el by sending a plague which resulted in the immediate death of twenty-four thousand men. An Is'ra-el-ite named Zim'ri and a Mid'i-an-ite woman named Coz'bi defamed the name of God by their evil deeds before the Tabernacle, and were put to death by Phin'e-has, who was a son of E-le-a'zar and grandson of Aa'ron. For this act  of justice in upholding the laws of Is'ra-el he was praised by Mo'ses, and later was highly honored.
   The plague in the camps of Is'ra-el was then removed, but the LORD directed Mo'ses to make war upon the Mo'ab-ites and Mid'i-an-ites for the bold, disgraceful manner in which they had turnt many of the Is'ra-el-ites from the worship of God into idolatry.
   Because the women of Mid'i-an had been the chief offenders in leading the Is'ra-el-ites into idolatry and wickedness, the leaders of the army had been ordered to slay them. But when the war was over, Mo'ses found that many of his captains had not obeyed these orders, but had made prisoners of the Mid'i-an-it-ish women. He rebuked them severely, and ordered that all these women who had taken part in leading Is'ra-el into idolatry should be slain at once.
   The territory east of the Jor'dan which had been conquered by the Is'ra-el-ites,  from the brook Ar'non on the south to Mount Her'mon on the north, and extending eastward for many miles to the desert plateaus, consisted of wide, grassy plains and low hills and plateaus which were well watered by many streams, It was well adapted for stock-raising, and was noted for its fine pastures.
  Two of the tribes of Is'ra-el, those descending from Reu'ben and from Gad, had very large flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, and were noted for their skill as shepherds. They came to Mo'ses and E-le-a'zar requesting that these lands be given them, and that they be excused from crossing the Jor'dan for the conquest of Ca'naan west of this river.
   Mo'ses rebuked the tribes of Reu'ben and Gad for making this request, for it was both selfish and unpatriotic. Their wish to settle on the land east of Jor'dan gave no regard whatever to the welfare of their brethren in the other tribes. it appeared to Mo'ses that they were trying to avoid military service against the strong heathen tribes which held the country west of the Jor'dan, and he felt that such a course would be a reproach upon the unity of Is'ra-el, and a violation of the Covenant which they had made with God.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Story 56: How A Dumb Animal Talked With A Prophet lll

   The messengers returnt to Ba'lak with the news that Ba'laam would no come to him at this time. Their words were even more deceptive than those of Ba'laam, for they did not tell their master that the LORD had forbidden Ba'laam to come. This led the Mo'ab-it-ish king to believe that he would come later, and that he would curse Is'ra-el as requested. He suspected that Ba'laam was merely waiting until more money was offered him.
   Then Ba'lak sent another group of messengers to Ba'laam. This delegation was larger, and its members were of higher rank than the first messengers. They came to Ba'laam and said, "Ba'lak urges that you come to him at once, and that you let nothing hinder you. He promises that he will give whatever you ask, if you will only curse the Is'ra-el-ites."
   Ba'laam already knew that he must neither visit the king, nor curse Is'ra-el, but he let the messengers think that he would finally do both. He said to them "If Ba'lak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the word of the LORD my God, to do less or more."
   He should have sent the messengers away at once, but he invited them to tarry with him, speaking as though he thought that the LORD would give him permission to curse Is'ra-el. The LORD knew that Ba'laam's heart had been turnt by his love of money, so He gave him permission to go with these messengers in order to teach him a much needed lesson.
   As Ba'laam was riding an ass on the way to the place where Ba'lak lived, a miracle suddenly took place. The ass on which he was riding turnt aside into the fields, and Ba'laam angrily forced it back into the road. Again the ass turnt suddenly to one side, crushing Ba'laam's foot against a stone wall. Then it fell down, and was beaten severely by Ba'laam. All of these strange actions were caused by an Angel of the LORD, who was visible to the ass, but unseen by Ba'laam.
   The ass then spoke in human language, saying, "What have I done unto thee that thou hast smitten me these three times?" Apparently not alarmed by the strange fact of having a dumb animal speak to him, Ba'laam answered, "Because thou hast mocked me, if I had a sword I would kill you." After the ass reminded him of its faithful years of service the LORD gave Ba'laam power to see the Angel standing in the highway with a sword in his hand. The Angel rebuked Ba'laam for his cruelty to the ass, and told him that if it had not turnt aside, death would have come to the prophet. The Angel also declared that God was trying to save him from the evil which lay in his heart. Ba'laam was permitted to continue his journey, but warned not to curse Is'ra-el.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Story 56: How A Dumb Animal Talked With A Prophet ll

   Ba'lak sent messengers to Ba'laam to hire him to curse Is'ra-el. In return for this favor to the heathen
king, Ba'laam was to be promoted in rank. Valuable gifts were brought to him by the messengers, and he was promised a large sum in gold for uttering the curse.
   Ba'laam received the messengers with true Oriental courtesy, inviting them to spend the night in his home. He assured them that he would place Ba'lak's request before the LORD, and would do whatever the LORD commanded.
   During the night the LORD appeared to Ba'laam, probably in a vision, and told him neither to return to Ba'lak with these men, nor to pronounce a curse upon the people of Is'ra-el. The next morning he told the messengers of Ba'lak that the LORD had forbidden him to go to the king of Mo'ab at any time. But he did not tell them the most important part of the message from God. An honest report of what had taken place during the night would have ended the matter then and there, but he led the men to think that it was still possible for him to curse Is'ra-el.
   Ba'laam is a strange character to many people, but the Bible story gives us a clear picture of him. He was a prophet to whom God revealed certain Divine purposes, and to whom He sometimes gave information concerning worldly matters. Ba'laam was very intelligent, often grasping truths which were too deep for other men to understand. His people were not included in the Is'ra-el-ites Cov'e-nant, but he professed to believe in the God of the He'brews. He was also well informed concerning the history of Is'ra-el, knowing about their miraculous deliverance from E'gyp-tian bondage, God's care for them during the forty years in the wilderness, and the hopes which they now held for the future.
   At heart, however, Ba'laam was greedy. He simply could not break away from the "wages of divination" which he had received as a magician of the Mid'i-an-ites. He tried to serve God and Mam'mon at the same.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Story 56: How A Dumb Animal Talked With A Prophet l

   The Is'ra-el-ites were now encamped on the plains of Mo'ab on the east side of the river Jor'dan, their camp reaching back five or six miles toward the high plateau of this area. They looked eagerly across the river to the land promised to their fathers, no doubt expecting the LORD to tell them to cross the river at any moment.
   But the time had not yet come for Is'ra-el to occupy the land of Ca'naan. There were other territories east of the Jor'dan to be conquered, and the LORD had some important lessons to teach them before they would be ready to conquer the land west of the river.
   In much of their recent travels the Is'ra-el-ites had occupied certain parts of the territory of the Mo'ab-ites, and had crossed their borders without opposition. Instead, the most friendly relations had been enjoyed by both nations, and the Mo'ab-ites had sold food and water to the children of Is'ra-el.
   But the defeat of the two strong kings of the Am'o-rites, and the conquest of all their territory by the Is'ra-el-ites, had brought suspicion and fear to the heart of Ba'lak, king of the Mo'ab-ites. The army of Is'ra-el numbered 601,730 warriors who had shown great courage and skill in fighting the Am'o-rites. Ba'lak feared that they might attack his own people, and dared not meet them in open battle.
   In a small territory near Mo'ab there lived a people called the Mid'i-a-nites. They were a different branch from those of the same name who had given shelter to Mo'ses during the forty years of his exile from E'gypt. This branch had settled on the grassy plains between the lands of the Mo'ab-ites and Am'o-rites before the days of I'saac and Ja'cob. They were stock-raisers, and traded with the caravans which passed through their land. No conflict between them and the Is'ra-el-ites had occurred up to this time. The Mid'i-an-ites were neither very strong nor warlike. In their early history they had been defeated by the E'dom-ites, and later were subdued by Si'hon, who made them subjects of the Am'o-rites.
   Ba'lak's alarm was without cause, for the Is'ra-el-ites had shown no unfriendliness whatever toward his people. The LORD had instructed them not to harm the Mo'ab-ites, and they had carefully obeyed His order.
   Knowing that he could not defeat the Is'ra-el-ites in battle, Ba'lak took a course which he hoped would deprive them of the protection and aid of God which had been so manifest in their battles against the Am'o-rites. There was a magician among the Mid'i-a-nites whose name was Ba'laam, and who also possessed the gift of prophecy. He claimed to speak with God, and to have the power of reading the future. Ba'lak decided to have this magician utter a curse against Is'ra-el, and in this way to offset the special favor which they enjoyed from the LORD.
   In those days some men were given the power to bless or to curse others, and Ba'laam probably had such power. The most gifted man of God, however, could not bring a curse upon others without reason. No man can curse those whom God is blessing.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Story 55: Is'ra-el's March From Ka'desh To The Plains Of Mo'ab lV

   The Am'or-ites were descendants of E'mer, the fourth son of Ca'naan, and were both strong and numerous in the land. Two strong kings ruled over large areas east of the river Jor'dan, and five over territory west of the Jor'dan. Og, who was another king east of the Jor'dan, was later conquered by the Is'ra-el-ites under Mo'ses, and the territory of Si'hon and Og was given to the tribes of Reu'ben, Ma-nas'seh, and Gad. The five kings west of the Jor'dan were later conquered by Josh'u-a.
   After conquering all the territory under the rule of Si'hon, the Is'ra-el-ites carried the war against the Am'or-ites into the northern district of Ba'shan, which was ruled by Og. He and his people were very powerful, and Og himself was so large that he had a bedstead of iron twelve feet long and six feet wide. The giant king and his warriors made the mistake of leaving their fortified cities, and making war against Is'ra-el on the plains. Is'ra-el won a great victory over Og, taking possession of all his territory.
   Is'ra-el's warfare against the Am'or-ites east of the Jor'dan was one of extermination. God had commanded them to wipe out these heathen people because of their idolatry and wickedness. And so the lands of the Am'or-ites became the property of God's chosen people, and Is'ra-el was enriched by herds and flocks, and the spoils of many cities.
   A triumphant war-song celebrating the victory over these powerful peoples, and giving all honor for it to God, was sung by all Is'ra-el. The people then moved to the plains of Mo'ab, which ran along the eastern border of the Dead Sea and of the river Jor'dan. The city of Jer'i-cho was on the west side of the river, near its mouth, and just opposite the place where Is'ra-el was encamped. Many preparations, however, had to be made before Is'ra-el could cross the river and take possession of the land then known as Ca'naan. The more important of these preparations will be reviewed in our next chapter.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Story 55: Is'ra-el's March From Ka'desh To The Plains Of Mo'ab lll

   The LORD Jesus referred to this image as a token of the Divine cure for sin, and to the faith of those who looked upon it as an example of the simple trust required of all who would be saved from the deadly effects of sin through the "Uplifted Savior."
   Just as the Is'ra-el-ites who were bitten by those fiery serpents suffered from a communicated, painful, and deadly poison; so humanity under the curse of sin has a fatal spiritual malady. Just as the uplifted brazen serpent was provided as a cure by the Sovereign Grace of God; so God freely gave His own Son in the likeness of the flesh of sin, and for sin, as the only cure for the malady of the soul. Just as Is'ra-el was healed by looking; so men today are healed by believing.
   In their superstitious awe the Is'ra-el-ites preserved the brazen serpent, and, in times when they forgot the LORD, some of them would set it up in a high place and bow before it in idol-worship. Four hundred and fifty years later the good king Hez-e-ki'ah, about whom we shall learn in future stories, completely destroyed the image. Thus we are taught that the material things through which God's blessings are brought to us should never be worshiped; the LORD is the source of all blessings, and He alone should be worshiped.
   After the snakes had been removed from their camp, the Is'ra-el-ites continued their journey in a northeasterly direction. The names of several encampments are given, but the exact location is not certain until the people reached the plains of Mo'ab directly east of the Dead Sea. The Mo'ab-ites were descendants of Lot, and the LORD had directed Mo'ses not to make war upon them, or to take their land.
   The Is'ra-el-ites encamped for some time at a place called Ar, which was on the plains of Mo'ab. Here they dug a well, and praised the LORD in special hymns for the gracious way in which He was leading them on their perilous journeys.
   Continuing the journey, and making brief stops at several stations, they arrived at Ja'haz, on the border between the Mo'ab-ites and Am'or-ites. Here Mo'ses sent messengers to Si'hon, king of the Am'or-ites, with a similar request to the one presented to the king of the E'dom-ites. Si'hon's answer to this request was a prompt refusal, and immediate war against Is'ra-el. The Is'ra-el-ites, however, overwhelmingly defeated Si'hon, and occupied his territory. Among the important towns captured was Hesh'bon, which was Si'hon's capital.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Story 55: Is'ra-el's March From Ka'desh To The Plains Of Mo'ab ll

   It was here on the top of this mountain that Aa'ron died, not by accident, but according to the Will of God. The LORD said, "Aa'ron shall be gathered unto his fathers: for he shall not enter into the land which I have given unto the children of Is'ra-el, because he rebelled against my word at the rock gushing water, of Mer'i-bah."
   Just before Aa'ron died on the top of Mount Hor, Mo'ses removed the priestly garments which he wore, and placed them upon E-le-a'zar. Thus by Divine Appointment a son of Aa'ron took his place as High Priest of Is'ra-el. In his dying moments Aa'ron had the satisfaction of knowing that his office would not die with him, and that his work would be carried on by his own son. When the congregation of Is'ra-el learnt of the death of Aa'ron, a thirty day season of mourning was proclaimed. E-le-a'zar was named to take his place, and this appointment was confirmed by the people.
   Taking advantage of this period of mourning, one of the kings of southern Ca'naan, whose name was A'rad, attacked the Is'ra-el-ites in the valley of A'ra-bah, and captured some of them. The Is'ra-el-ites then made a solemn vow unto the LORD that when they had taken possession of the Promised Land they would completely destroy A'rad's people. This vow was later accomplished, and the place was called Hor'mah, meaning "utter destruction."
   While crossing this steep and barren land on their roundabout journey to a place where they might safely enter Ca'naan, the Is'ra-el-ites became very much discouraged, and began to make new complaints against Mo'ses. As a punishment for these murmurings, the LORD caused the poisonous snakes of that region to infest their camp in great numbers. They were called "fiery serpents" from the burning, deadly pain caused by their bites. Is'ra-el had complained for want of water, and the LORD sent a plague upon them which caused a thirst no water could quench; they had shown a preference for death in the wilderness, and the LORD sent death to many of them near the Promised Land.
   Then the Is'ra-el-ites repented for their sins, pleaded with Mo'ses to speak to the LORD on their behalf, and asked that the poisonous snakes be driven away from the camp. The LORD not only drove the snakes away, but provided a cure for the people who had been bitten by them.
   The LORD directed Mo'ses to make a serpent of brass, similar in every way to the poisonous serpents of the desert, and to place the brazen image on a high pole in the midst of the camps of Is'ra-el. Then those who had been bitten by the "fiery serpents" were told to look upon the "brazen serpent," and all who obeyed this command were healed at once. There was no way by which man could stop the deadly ravages of these serpents, nor was there any earthly remedy for their bites. But the means of cure provided by the LORD was free to all who obeyed His command to look upon the "brazen serpent."

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Story 55: Is'ra-el's March From Ka'desh To The Plains Of Mo'ab l

   When the children of Is'ra-el came for the second time to Ka'desh, which was on the southeastern border of Ca'naan, they planned to enter at once into the land which God had promised them. Just across the border, however, were two strong heathen tribes known as the Ca'naan-ites and the Am'o-rites. Mo'ses did not think it wise to make war against these strong tribes at this time, so he decided to take the southern route across the land which was then held by the E'dom-ites. This route would bring them to Ca'naan from the east of the river Jor'dan.
   The E'dom-ites were descendants of E'sau, the twin brother of Ja'cob, from whom the blessing of the firstborn had been craftily taken. They were closely akin to the Is'ra-el-ites, so Mo'ses hoped that they would show a brotherly feeling for his people. Mo'ses knew that the Is'ra-el-ites needed help in their plans to occupy the land which the LORD had promised them in the days of their fathers. But the memory of the feud between E'sau and Ja'cob had been kept alive among the E'dom-ites, and they were now envious of the growing power of the Is'ra-el-ites.
   Mo'ses sent a messenger to the king of the E'dom-ites with this request: "You know all the misfortunes which have befallen your brethren, the Is'ra-el-ites-how for more than two hundred years we were enslaved in E'gypt-and you know how the LORD delivered us from E'gyp-tian bondage and directed us to occupy the land which He promised to the descendants of A'bra-ham, I'saac, and Ja'cob. You also know of the trials we have suffered for forty years in the wilderness of the A-ra'bian Peninsula. Now we ask permission to cross your country, that we may enter Ca'naan from the east side. We promise to march only on the highway, and to do no harm to your fields, or vineyards, or other properties; if our people or cattle drink from your wells, we will pay for the water used."
   This request of Mo'ses was coldly refused by the king of E'dom. The old breach between Is'ra-el and E'dom was widened, and the hatred which had been handed down from one generation to another could not be reconciled. Mo'ses had been told by the LORD that he must not make war upon the descendants of E'sau, so there was nothing else for him to do but seek another route.
   The only other course open to them was a roundabout way near the southern border of E'dom, so they journeyed back toward the Red Sea down a little stream known as Ar'a-bah until they came to the place called Ak'a-bah, or E'zi-on-Ge'ber. Here they turnt in a northeasterly direction and travelled through the mountain of Seir to the land of Mo'ab, east of the Dead Sea.
   This was a very dreary and desolate country, a frightful desert where the ground was covered with loose gravel and rough stones, so that even a camel found it difficult to pick its way. Round hills of naked stone and gravel rose high into the heavens, there was very little vegetation of any kind, and it was hot and dry. Here the Is'ra-el-ites found very rough going.
   During the early days of the march Mo'ses was directed by the LORD to take Aa'ron and his son E-le-a'zar up onto the top of a very high mountain called Hor, which was on the east side of the valley of Ar'a-bah, and not far from the Med'i-ter-ra'ne-an coastline of eastern E'dom. It is the highest and most conspicuous peak of the entire mountain range of that region, raising its twin peaks 4800 feet above sea level, 4000 feet above the Ar'a-bah valley, and 6000 feet above the level of the Dead Sea.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Story 54: Is'ra-el At Ka'desh-Bar'ne-a A Second Time; The Death Of Mir'i-am; The Sin Of Mo'ses In Striking The Rock ll

   The LORD was greatly displeased by the conduct of Mo'ses and Aa'ron. Mo'ses had fallen short of God's command by his silence before the rock, and had gone beyond his orders by striking it. As a fitting punishment for such disobedience the LORD declared that neither Mo'ses nor Aa'ron should be permitted to lead Is'ra-el into Ca'naan.
   What a striking example of human weakness! Mo'ses, who was one of the holiest men who ever lived, gave way to anger in the presence of the LORD. At a time when all his thoughts should have been directed to the solemn duty to which the LORD had called him, Mo'ses could not forget the unjust complaints of the people. For this reason he sinned against God by failing to do what the LORD had ordered, and in performing an evil deed which brought shame to him in the presence of all Is'ra-el.
   As an everlasting warning to all future generations the name of the place where Mo'ses and Aa'ron sinned was changed from Ka'desh-Bar'ne-a to Mer'i-bah-Ka'desh, which means "place of strife," or "place of bitterness." This name would also serve as a living memorial to the sin of Is'ra-el in rejecting the command which God had given thirty-eight years before, and as a constant warning against similar sins.
   This incident also illustrates the need for guarding the strong points of character; for at the very point where one feels secure and considers vigilance unnecessary, the evil one sometimes makes his most subtle attacks. Mo'ses, noted for meekness, becomes petulant; A'bra-ham, celebrated for his faith in God, twice grievously sinned because of doubts; E'li'jah, famed for fearlessness, fled in panic before the vengeance of Jez'e-bel.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Story 54: Is'ra-el At Ka'desh-Bar'ne-a A Second Time; The Death Od Mir'i-am; The Sin Of Mo'ses In Striking The Rock l

   After thirty-eight years of wandering in the wilderness, the children of Is'ra-el came once more to Ka'desh-Bar'ne-a, and once again sorrow befell them. In the first month of the fortieth year after the departure from E'gypt, death came to Mir'i-am, the sister of Mo'ses and Aa'ron. She was then about one hundred and thirty years old; her life had been long and full of interesting events. In her early years she had carefully watched over the life of her infant brother. During the years which followed, while Mo'ses was growing up in the palace of the E'gyp-tian king, she cherished in her heart the hope that some day her people would be delivered from bondage in E'gypt. When Mo'ses fled into Mid'i-an, and while he was lost to his people for forty years, she reflected upon the strange providences of God.
   When Mo'ses and her older brother Aa'ron were chosen to lead in the deliverance of her oppressed people, Mir'i-am aided them in every possible way. She was honored as a prophetess, and known as a sweet singer in Is'ra-el.
   At one time she became jealous of Mo'ses, envying him for all the honors conferred upon him by the LORD. She persuaded Aa'ron to join her in making false charges against Mo'ses, but was punished for this evil deed by a stroke of leprosy. Mo'ses quickly forgave her, and his prayers caused the leprosy to be removed, but her name does not appear again in the history of Is'ra-el until the account of her death.
   Even in obscurity, however, Mir'i-am continued to serve God and her people, and when she died the whole congregation of Is'ra-el assembled in her honor. For thirty days there was a great mourning among the Is'ra-el-ites, then Mir'i-am was buried just outside the Promised Land for which she had longed all the days of her life.
   When the season of mourning was over, the Is'ra-el-ites began to complain of their unhappy lot, for there was not enough water to meet their needs. It was under these trying circumstances that Mo'ses and Aa'ron committed the sin for which they were not permitted to live to lead Is'ra-el into the Promised Land.
   The LORD directed Mo'ses to take Aa'ron, and to call the Is'ra-el-ites together by a great cliff in that vicinity. He told him to speak to the rock, promising that in answer to his voice sufficient water would burst forth to meet all the needs of the Is'ra-el-ites and their herds and flocks.
   Once before, during the early days of Is'ra-el's sojourn in the wilderness, he had smitten a rock in the vicinity of Si'nai; a stream of water burst forth, and continued to flow as long as the Is'ra-el-ites were encamped at Si'nai. Now, after forty years in the wilderness, he was told again to speak to a rock for a similar blessing.
   When all the people of Is'ra-el had gathered before him, Mo'ses reproached them bitterly, showing a spirit of impatience and anger. His patience had been worn out by the constant murmuring of the people.
   Instead of speaking quietly to the rock, as the LORD had commanded, Mo'ses walked up to it and struck two violent blows with a rod. At once a great stream of water began to flow from the rock.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Story 53: Is'ra-el's Thirty-Eight Years Of Wandering In The Wilderness lll

   On the day after this incident there was another revolt among the people, and complaints were made that Mo'ses had slain Ko'rah and his followers. For this uprising the LORD sent a plague upon the people, and it was only through the intervention of Mo'ses and Aa'ron that multitudes were not taken by death.
   Soon after these events came the miracle in which Aa'ron's staff budded, blossomed, and bore ripened almonds. This took place as a token of the Divine choice of Aa'ron to be the High Priest, and his sons to assist in the priestly duties. Mo'ses directed each of the princes of the twelve tribes to place the staff of his tribe in the Tabernacle, and Aa'ron was told to place his staff with the others. Then Mo'ses announced that the LORD would visit him in the sanctuary, and would make plain His choice for the priesthood. On the next morning Mo'ses entered the Tabernacle and saw a very strange sight. Aa'ron's staff was covered with green buds, full blossoms, and ripened almonds, while the others staffs were Just as they had been the night before. When Mo'ses presented all these staffs before Is'ra-el the people were convinced that the LORD had chosen Aa'ron and his family for the priesthood. Then followed a series of instructions concerning the duties of the priesthood, and additional rules regarding certain sacrifices to be made by Is'ra-el.
   Thus the thirty-eight years of wandering in the wilderness are covered in several chapters of the Book of Num'bers. As this period neared its close, the last of the 600,000 men who had refused to enter Ca'naan when they were at Ka'desh-Bar'ne-a the first time had died, and they all had been buried in various parts of the A-ra'bi-an desert. The young men who had been under twenty years of age at that time, and others who had been born during the early years of wandering, were now the men of Is'ra-el. They had been brought up under strict religious instruction, and were trained as soldiers.
   The time had come when Is'ra-el, a new Is'ra-el, was to pitch camp again on the borders of the Promised Land. Soon the children of Is'ra-el are to enter Ca'naan and begin its occupation.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Story 53: Is'ra-el's Thirty-Eight Years Of Wandering In The Wilderness ll

   Another incident mentioned in the record of these thirty-eight years in the wilderness was the rebellion which Ko'rah led against Mo'ses and Aa'ron.
   Ko'rah was a member of the tribe of Le'vi, a distant relative of Mo'ses and Aa'ron, and a Le-vit'i-cal officer who took part in the services at the Tabernacle. He stirred up a rebellion against Mo'ses as the leader of the people, and against Aa'ron as the High Priest. Ko'rah was joined by Da'than and A-bi'ram, two prominent members of the tribe of Reu'ben, and another man from this tribe, whose name was On, seems to have dropped out after a short time.
   The three leaders of the revolt were presently joint by two hundred and fifty princes of other tribes. The rebels declared that Mo'ses and Aa'ron had forced their way into the positions which they held, that they were harsh and overbearing toward the people, and that they were practicing deceit and fraud in the name of the LORD. It was further declared by the plotters that there should be no civil head over Is'ra-el, and that the order of the priesthood should be overthrown.
   At heart, however, Ko'rah wished to be a priest, and his rebellion grew out of jealousy and selfish ambitions; though claiming to represent the people, he had no real interest in their welfare. His crime was all the more grievous because of the position which he held. As a Le'vite, he was set apart from the general congregation of Is'ra-el; his office was one of honor and responsibility. He performed certain holy duties in the Tabernacle services, stood before the congregation to minister unto them, and was given a place of distinction by the LORD. For all these reasons his rebellion was inexcusable.
   When the news of Ko'rah's rebellion was brought to Mo'ses he went at once to God in prayer, seeking to compose his own spirit, and to secure Divine help in meeting this trying hour. Then he made a bold, but fair, proposal for settling the demands made by Ko'rah and his followers. He directed that Ko'rah and all his company take censers in hand and march before the Tabernacle on the following day. The censers were to be filled with the coals of fire and incense which under the laws of Is'ra-el could be carried only by the priests. If Ko'rah and his companions were justified in their demands, then their services would be accepted by the LORD; if they were in the wrong, then a proper punishment would be inflicted by God.
   On the next day Ko'rah and his company gathered before the Tabernacle for the test appointed by Mo'ses, But Da'than and A-bi'ram were not present. They had left the day before, while Mo'ses was speaking to Ko'rah. In so doing, they defied the authority of Mo'ses as the Divinely appointed leader of Is'ra-el, and reviled him in a most insulting manner. Then Mo'ses was moved by righteous indignation, and prayed that the LORD would justify him by bringing a just penalty upon the evil-doers. Suddenly the ground gave way under the plotters as they stood in the door of their tent, and they were instantly buried alive.
   Then Mo'ses prayed for the judgment of God concerning Ko'rah and the two hundred and fifty princes who followed him. As they marched before the Tabernacle with burning incense in the sacred vessels, a miraculous fire from the LORD suddenly consumed them all. In order that Aa'ron might be found innocent before the people, Mo'ses had ordered him to march with Ko'rah and his company. But the consuming fire which destroyed the rebels did not harm the anointed High Priest of God.
   By this stern judgment upon the rebels, the LORD made clear the upright character of Mo'ses and Aa'ron. He then directed Mo'ses to have the priest E-le-a'zar take the censers from the burning hands of the men who had been consumed, and to beat them into broad plates for a covering of the altar. This was a perpetual sign to Is'ra-el that no one outside the family of Aa'ron should ever assume the office of the priesthood.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Story 53: Is'ra-el's Thirty-Eight Years Of Wandering In The Wilderness l

   After Mo'ses told the Is'ra-el-ites that they were doomed to forty years of wandering in the wilderness, and that nearly all of them would die before the chosen race would finally occupy the Promised Land, they rebelled against the decree, and proposed to go at once into Ca'naan. They uttered words of confession for their sin, but with no evidence of genuine repentance; even while confessing their sins they persisted in them. They were determined to do exactly what God had told them not to do. When He said, "Go up into Ca'naan," they replied, "We will return to E'gypt." When He said, "Return to the wilderness," they said, "We will now go into Ca'naan."
   In reply to their proposal to enter Ca'naan, Mo'ses told them that the LORD would not go with them; that if they persisted in this fool-hardy course, the Am'a-lek-ites and Ca'naan-ites would defeat them with great slaughter. But they stubbornly insisted on making war against the heathen tribes of Ca'naan, even though Mo'ses would not go with them, and the Ark of the Covenant remained in camp. They were disgracefully beaten; many were slain, and the others returnt to weep before the LORD.
   After this unhappy event, the Is'ra-el-ites remained in Ka'desh for many days. Then they journeyed, as the LORD had commanded, into the wilderness toward the Red Sea. For nearly thirty-eight years they wandered over the deserts of the A-ra'bi-an Peninsula. Little worthy of record took place during this dark period in Is'ra-el's history. Some new regulations were given by Mo'ses, and the laws already given were enforced. It was no doubt for the benefit of the younger generation that these special messages from God were revealed by Mo'ses, and it also served as a proof of the continuance of the LORD'S Covenant with those who would later occupy the Promised Land.
   Among the happenings recorded during these thirty-eight years is the violation of the Sab'bath by a man who gathered wood on that day, and who was punished by stoning. We are not told just when this took place, but we know that the Sab'bath had been set apart by the LORD after the six days of Creation, and that it had been consecrated in the religion of Is'ra-el.
   The Sab'bath was consecrated to God, dedicated to His honor, and its violation was a direct reproach upon Him. It was also a memorial of Is'ra-el's deliverance from E'gypt, so those who violated the Sab'bath were guilty of sin in the eyes of both God and man. In setting apart the Sab'bath days, the LORD intended to serve the well-being of His people by providing a season for rest and spiritual culture.
   The punishment of the man who violated the Sab'bath took place in an orderly and legal manner. He was arrested in the very act of doing wrong, was brought before the elders for trial, was held in custody until the manner of his execution was determined by Divine instructions, and was then slain as directed by the LORD.
   It is evident that the entire procedure was intended as a solemn warning to Is'ra-el against violating the LORD'S day by doing anything which was forbidden in the Law. The Sab'bath was made for man, and man cannot do without it. Worship for the soul and rest for the body are two of the deepest needs of humanity. The Sab'bath was made Holy for the Glory of God, and the violation of it dishonors Him.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Story 52: Is'ra-el At Ka'desh-Bar'ne-a; Spies Are Sent Into Ca'naan lll

   The results of the timid report made by the unbelieving explorers of Ca'naan were most distressing. The people of Is'ra-el were made fearful and angry, and expressed their dismay in a great tumult of shouting and lament. Rioting broke out in the camps of Is'ra-el, and the people were further distracted from peace and quiet by rumors and plots of every nature. In a fit of unjust murmuring against Mo'ses and Aa'ron, they cried that it would have been better to perish in E'gypt or in the wilderness than to die with their wives and children at the hands of the Ca'naan-ites.
   The wild, unreasoning crowds even went so far as to blaspheme the name of God, and to accuse Him of deceit in bringing them out of the land of E'gypt. With daring impudence and base ingratitude they turnt against their great Benefactor and His servants.
   Mo'ses and Aa'ron were much grieved by the disgraceful conduct of the Is'ra-el-ites, but remained calm and patient. They tried to urge the people to refrain from such foolish actions, and to obey the command of God; they finally threw themselves prostrate before the people in prayer to God.
   Josh'u-a and Ca'leb sought again to calm the fears of the people, and for their faithfulness were threatened with death by stoning. These devoted leaders tried to convince the Is'ra-el-ites that in the following the directions of God they would be assured of His presence and power, and of certain victory over the inhabitants of the land of Ca'naan. All their efforts, however, were in vain.
   In His righteous indignation over the blasphemy and lack of faith of Is'ra-el, and because they continued to be rebellious, the LORD declared to Mo'ses that He would destroy the whole nation by a plague, and would raise up another people for the occupation of Ca'naan from the family of Mo'ses alone. But Mo'ses thought more of Is'ra-el than of his own honor and glory, and pleaded with God to spare the people. He declared that the heathens back in E'gypt and those in Ca'naan would say in scorn that God was not able to establish His people in the land which He had promised to give them.
   The earnest request of Mo'ses was granted by the LORD, but with certain conditions. The children of Is'ra-el were to wander in the wilderness for forty years before occupying the Promised Land, the 600,000 men over the age of twenty who had refused to enter Ca'naan when the LORD commanded should die without ever entering it, and the land would finally be given to the new generation to be born in the wilderness. Only Josh'u-a and Ca'leb were to be spared from this Divine Decree.
   The people's sins of rebellion and blasphemy were pardoned in answer to the prayers of Mo'ses, but the privilege of occupying the Promised Land was denied for all time to those who had refused it after hearing the report of the spies. God's Covenant with Is'ra-el was preserved, but its blessings in respect to Ca'naan were reserved for a new generation. Is'ra-el was turnt away from the very doors of the Promised Land, and for forty years lived wandering life in the wilderness of the A-ra'bi-an Peninsula. We shall learn more about this in our next story.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Story 52: Is'ra-el At Ka'desh-Bar'ne-a; Spies Are Sent Into Ca'naan ll

   In the valley of Esh'col, which was about two miles north of He'bron, and was noted for its grapes of superior size and quality, they gathered some fruit to take back to their people at Ka'desh. Here they found great clusters of grapes, some weighing from twenty to forty-five pounds. They carried some of these back home with them, and the largest were so heavy that they had to be hung on poles and carried over the shoulders of two men.
   And so the twelve spies had two different reports to make when they returnt to Ka'desh. Ten of them said, "It is a good land, a land of plentiful grass, of superb fruits, of glorious valleys and plains and hills and mountains, a land greatly to be desired; but it is held by fierce enemies which we cannot overcome." To them, the strong cities could not be taken, nor the giant warriors defeated in battle. They said, "The land is so fertile and fruitful that it is filled with warlike tribes which constantly destroy one another, and we shall be destroyed along with the weakest of them."
   This report was filled with the spirit of cowardice and unbelief. The ten spies who made it forgot the strength of the 600,000 soldiers of Is'ra-el, and the Supreme Power of God. There was no place in their faltering hearts for the memory of how Pha'raoh's army had been destroyed in the Red Sea, of Josh'u-a's victory over the Am'a-lek-ites, or of the continued presence of God with them in all their difficulties.
   Ca'leb and Josh'u-a made a different report than the other spies. They said, "All that these men have said about the excellence of the land is true, and it is also true that there are strong cities and fierce warriors to be overcome, but we are well able to take the land." They admitted that there were giants in the land, but chided the ten faint-hearted spies for regarding the Is'ra-el-ites as mere "grasshoppers" before them. "Why," they said, "anointed with the Power of God, and with the unseen hosts of Heaven to fight on our side, we shall be the "giants," and the people of Ca'naan will be the "grasshoppers."
   In a stirring appeal to the Is'ra-el-ites, Ca'lab said, "Let us go up at once and possess the land." He urged quick, bold action, insisting that all Is'ra-el act together with the assurance of faith in their hearts. His hope of victory was based upon certainty of God's promises, and the knowledge of His all-conquering power.
   What a striking contrast between moral courage and moral cowardice is presented in the reports and conducts of these two groups! Overcome by moral cowardice, the ten spies trembled with fear before facing the enemy, exaggerated the strength of their foes, minimized their own abilities, and were willing to give up without striking a blow. Ca'leb and Josh'u-a, on the other hand, had the courage to face self-denial and hardship boldly, and to declare their faith in the power of right.