Thursday, March 10, 2016

Story 10: God's Wonderful Promise To Ab'ram ll

   Although Ab'ram and his wife had reached so great an age that it seemed impossible for God to perform the miracle of giving them a son, Ab'ram did not lose hope. Believing with all his heart that God would do what seemed to be impossible in order to keep His promise, Ab'ram accepted the word of God without question. His faith rose into heroic vigor, and for it he was accounted righteous before the Lord.
   The Lord took Ab'ram into full confidence concerning the future of his offspring; in symbolic language He revealed the future slavery of the children of Is'ra-el in E'gypt, their return to the land of Canaan, and their growth into the great nation through which the Sav'ior should be given to the world. All the promises which God had given before were now summarized and made binding in a Holy Covenant. Included in this Covenant were the following promises: the gift of a son, the future greatness of the people descended from him, and final possession of the promised land. In return for these blessings Ab'ram promised to serve God faithfully for all his days upon earth. Of Ab'ram in that hour it may be said:
               "Majesty, combined with meekness,
                  righteousness and peace unite,
               To ensure those blessed conquests,
                  his possession and full right;
                     ride triumphant,
               decked in robes of purest light."