Friday, October 11, 2013

Interesting Facts About Women II

-There are more women in the United States than men.
-Wyoming was the first U.S. state to grant a woman the right to vote.
-Cleopatra had 2 younger brothers and she married them both.
-Cleopatra first married at age 11.
-Approximately 2 of every 100 (2%) women in the world have a supernumerary nipple which is a 3rd nipple. Be proud of what ya got.
-Archeological researchers have made a recent claim to have found evidence that the Queen of Sheba did in fact rule over Southern Arabia which was then known as the capital of the Kingdom of Sheba.
-Although highly unlikely to succeed in a Sharia court, in Saudi Arabia an old law still in effect says that if a husband doesn't give his wife coffee that the woman can divorce him.
-The origin of the word "woman" is thought to be wyfman, a term from Middle English which means wife of man.
-There was a woman who was pregnant 17 months 11 days and is recorded as the longest human pregnancy ever.
-The female sex sign is represented by a small cross with a circle on top, the same one which represents planet Venus.
-There are many moons and stars which have female names, but from our solar system's planets only Venus is named after a female goddess.
-Human women's breasts are bigger from a proportional point of view than the other female mammals.
-Originally, the differentiation between women at different ages was done in the English language with the help of the terms maiden, mother and crone. The maiden was the young girl which wasn't married yet. The mother was the female in the years where she could bear children. The crone was the woman in the post-menopause period.